Fallout New Vegas Survival Mode

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Survival is a skill in Fallout: New Vegas. It replaces the Outdoorsman. Survival (Fallout 76). For the Fallout Shelter difficulty, see Survival mode (Fallout Shelter). Page 1 of 2 - Fallout NV: Survival Mode - posted in New Vegas Mod Talk: Since Fallout 3, I always thought of the 'wasteland' pretty forgiving. I could walk around with my big bad guns and kill pretty much anything that tried to bother me.

3166d agoWhat bites is I just got this achievement, reloaded my game and 20min later my game froze. Loaded the game back up, load save, 'This game save relies on DLC which is no longer available.

Some objects may not load correctly, do you wish to continue?' .uh ok sure, 'The storage device you selected in no longer available. Itunes bluetooth windows 10. Failed to load save.' .booted to the main menu.

Now all my saves are corrupt, not just that one, and 50 hours is gone, and I didn't get nothing but that damn achievement. I'm throwing this POS up on Craigslist. 3166d agoWow that sucks, I heard of a few people that had that problem. I honestly really enjoyed this game, and even though the game had tons of frame rate issues, freezing, etc. I can get passed that, and deal with, not to much of a problem.

But I invested so much time into one save and still had TONS of stuff to do and having to restart due to something out of my control, just kills the motivation for doing it again, especially if the same thing happens.What's even worse is, it actually let me load my other save that I had 10 hours on, so I was like okay whatever at least I don't have to completely restart. That save is saved inside Lucky 38 in the Penthouse, but when I click on the elevator, nothing happens. So my only working save is stuck and I can't get out and I HAVE to restart.I knew this game would have problems before I bought it, just like Fallout 3 did, but I didn't expect this shit. This kind of bug is unacceptable. 3165d agoAnd you're saying it's justified that Bethesda gets a free pass, it's absolutely no different. They are both glitchy games, but most of the blame lies with Bethesda seeing as they built this crap game engine and have struggled to release a functional game twice now using it.The improvements in New Vegas are substantial.

Fallout New Vegas Survival Mode

Working within the shitty limits that Bethesda defined with Fallout 3, Obsidian has done an excellent job of making this the modern equivalent to the old Fallout games that Bethesda was too untalented to achieve.The problem is that you probably grew up with Mass Effect and Oblivion as the standard to which hold rpgs to, so if you believe Fallout 3 is a good Fallout game you're speaking from a completely ignorant position. 3164d agoIf the engine is so glitchy, then why did Obsidian use it. How come they didn't use their own engine that they built for Dungeon Siege? How come Bethesda is getting blamed just because Obsidian lacks the talent to actually make their own games?Bethesda gets a free pass because they made a great game that happened to be glitchy. Obsidian made a sequel 2 years later that has seen few to no visual improvements and few to no technical improvements.Bethesda has done more with the Gamebryo engine than you can imagine.

There have been dramatic graphical improvements between TES Morrowind and Oblivion. They both run on the same engine. That shows that Bethesda is talented. They make great games.

Fallout New Vegas Survival Mode

Even if their games have bugs, it's a fair tradeoff.Obsidian are not good developers. They're a B team. 3164d agoBecause Obsidian had a two year time frame to finish the game, and clearly Bethesda wanted to maintain systemic and formal similarity with Fallout 3.' There have been dramatic graphical improvements' does not constitute a good game or a good developer, especially considering we are speaking about a decade time span here. Again you mention nothing about the content, the level balancing, the writing, quest structure, etc. Of these games (as in things that actually matter to an rpg).

In this sense, Bethesda fails miserably. This is an objective fact to anyone who has played the old Fallout games. 3165d agois funny how many people are having prblems with this game, i got the skidrow version, in other words the free version and i haven't had any problems or frezes, my b is because of my spects are to high for the game lol, anyway has anyone found the alien gun yet?

If not is by a place next to the gun runners, i forgot the name i think it starts with 'free' something well there are to kinds playing run and gun, the boy has the gun, talk to him and buy it for 1000 caps, but i have yet to find any amo for it, if anyone know plss tell where i can find some. 3165d agolike not being able to heal limbs unless with a doctor, stimpacks don't immediately restore health, ammunition has weight, you have to stay hydrated. All of those things are dealbreakers for my wife specifically. She doesn't have the patience or desire to play a game like that.as for me, it just doesn't sound like a fun way to play Fallout, and i shouldn't HAVE to play it, just because i want to Platinum my game.what i loved about Uncharted 2 before they patched it, was that even if you didn't play multi-player, you could still get the Platinum Trophy, which i did, as i barely touch MP in Uncharted 2. Now, however, i have an obnoxious 73% completion on my Trophy list, because i don't have the MP trophies. I still have my Platinum, but it looks funky with that 73%, and i have no desire to play Uncharted 2 MP (oh, it's certainly a lot of fun, but i'm not an MP player).

I always play hardcore. The game is laughably easy otherwise. I really miss the mode when I'm playing Fallout 3.Here are some major differences:.You cannot heal your limbs with stimpacks. You need to use Doctor's Bags, actual doctors, Hydra, or sleep in an owned bed. This makes doctor's bags significantly more important, which matters because they have weight, unlike stimpacks. This also makes Adamantium Skeleton much more useful.Healing takes time.

Fallout 4 Survival Mode Reward

Nothing heals you instantly. You will need to notice when you are being damaged and start healing then, as once you are critically injured it is too late. This makes skills like Medicine and Survival more important, as they allow you to heal more quickly. Different healing sources stack, so it can be useful to carry several different kinds of healing, like healing powder, bitter drink, sunset sasparilla, and so on. This way, you can eat a whole bunch of items at once and heal more quickly than you are being damaged.Ammo has weight. This is huge.

Fallout New Vegas Survival Mode Mod

You need to start weighing the value of ammo against other things you could carry, as it's not free to carry. This makes various perks like Vigilant Recycler, Hand Loader, and Pack Rat more useful.You need to eat, drink, and sleep. This gives you a reason to carry food and water, which are just redundant with stimpacks otherwise.

Fallout new vegas survival model

Fallout New Vegas Survival Mode Guide

Your thirst can go up pretty quickly if you don't stop and drink from a sink or fountain occasionally, as this zeros out your thirst meter. I am aware of where clean water sources can be found, and make a point of grabbing a drink when I'm near one. I rarely suffer from sleep deprivation, but will often grab an hour of sleep when I walk by an unowned bedroll to maintain.Followers can die. Followers are still exceptionally powerful, but you need to manage them at least a little bit by giving them equipment and stimpacks. I have played through the game on hardcore without killing a single person or animal by letting my follower do all the work. This can make Spray and Pray and Ferocious Loyalty more effective, especially if you're using explosives or Meltdown.So you don't need to make a whole different build for hardcore, but a few perks become more useful and you need to engage in additional resource management.

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