Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers

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Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers
  1. Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers Minecraft
  2. Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers Pc

OverviewInsurgency: Modern Infantry Combat(also called Insurgency), is a, multiplayer-only mod. The mod is based on realism, tactics and squad-based combat in modern-day Iraq. Players take either the side of the or the and compete for control points around a map. The mod requires the Source SDK to play; this comes free with any Source game.

Low price Insurgency server hosting ✓ High FPS ✓ DDoS protection ✓ Prepaid or contract. Successor of the Source mod Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat.

Therefore one is not required to own in order to play the game, as many mods do, but any Source game. The mod is currently in the beta stage and is one of the first batch of mods to be distributed through Steam.

Gameplay A 3D-Scope in Insurgency.As mentioned, Insurgency is a game. Most of the time a player can expect to die in less than three shots depending on the weapon fired and the part of the body hit. Movement speed is quite slow, though sprinting can negate this, similarly reloading and switching between weapons is slow too. There is no crosshair and as such aiming down the sights is the only effective way to hit an enemy at anything more than few meters, also, to make this even more so, when the player's weapon is idle and 'on the hip', the weapon will sway across the screen rather than remaining entirely central such as on 's Hardcore gamemode. This gameplay mechanic is one of many that are rarely seen on the Source Engine and have been scripted and animated from scratch. Others include 3D scopes (the scoped area is zoomed in, but the area around the scope is zoomed out, as per real life), different fire modes, different player stances (including a slight rise when aiming down the sights while crouched) and leaning around corners.

Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers Minecraft

ClassesEach team has different classes for the player to choose, although there is a limited amount of each: A mosque in Baghdad, an example of a 'Battle' map. Squad Leader/Cell Leader - rifle, sidearm, grenades, smoke grenade. Rifleman - rifle, sidearm, grenade. Support - machinegun, sidearm. Grenadier/RPG - rifle and grenade-launcher/RPG, sidearm.

Sniper - scoped rifle, smoke grenade, sidearm. Engineer /Sapper - shotgun, grenade, sidearmEach team is also split into two groups, each split into two squads. On each team one group will have two squads consisting of standard riflemen and machine gunners and the other group with two squads of snipers, explosives experts and engineers. Each squad has a commander who can issue commands and waypoints for the rest of his squad. Game ModesThere are four types of gamemode in Insurgency, each based around capturing and/or defending control points around a given map. In all of the gamemodes the player is able to respawn after being killed, though on some gamemodes one or both teams will only be allowed a certain number of respawn waves.Battle - Battle allows either team to be on either the offensive or defensive, points must be taken in a set order and the reinforcement location changes as different points are taken or lost.Push - Push focuses on linear attack/defend gameplay.

Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat Servers Pc

One team holds all the points at the start of a game, the other team must capture them all. Once a point is lost the defenders cannot retake it. In this gamemode the reinforcement location moves as different points are taken and the attacking team has a limited number of respawns.Firefight - Firefight is about non-linear gameplay where either team can be on the offensive or defensive and can take or loose and point in any order. Generally Firefight maps are fairly small and the reinforcement locations are fixed.Strike - Strike maps are like Push maps, only points can be taken in any order.


Also, these maps are quite often smaller. HistoryThe mod was started in 2002 with an idea by a member of the Canadian Army, Andrew Spearin. Spearin's idea was to create a first-person-shooter with realism, immersive gameplay and teamwork as its basis. The Insurgency Team began work on such a first-person-shooter, aiming to make a multiplayer game with squad-based gameplay, a realistic setting and maps with a comparable scale to that of a real battle.

Jeremy Blum, the original creator of the popular mod, contribute many concepts to the original design of Insurgency.The mod was finally released to the public as Beta 1 in July of 2007, downloadable from a number of servers. The release was met with great expectancy and the majority of those expectations were fulfilled. Although the original release was quite 'buggy', it was still enjoyed by a solid fan base. In November 2007, a much more complete Beta 2 was released.

This featured a small degree of customizable players, more maps, better optimization, more balanced gameplay and many more fixed bugs. During October 2008, Insurgency gained Steam Support along with a select few other mods. This means that Insurgency is now available for download on the retail system and is supported by simple and frequent updates automatically through Steam. Beta 3 is scheduled for release sometime in 2008; this is to include the British Royal Marines and maps to play with, or against them and an engine-update to the more recent Episode 2 Engine.

Critical ReceptionDuring its development, Insurgency had gained a large and loyal following on its website and in its forums. As a result the initial Beta 1 release was met with nothing less that satisfaction. Insurgency was praised for its hi-resolution textures, smooth animations, realistic but user-friendly gameplay and decent soundtrack.It wasn't without its issue however. There were a number of complaints about bugs such as RPG animations and inaccurate sights.

Also touched upon was the need for better protection in the spawn as a number of the maps suffered from heavy 'spawn-camping'. Many players with low-end gaming PCs also complained that many of the maps had draw distances too long and textures too hi-res for their computers to run at acceptable framerates.Beta 1 patches and, more noticeably, Beta 2 worked on these issues with Beta 2 seeing a marked improvement on optimisation for lower-end systems and map design that led to a decrease in game exploits such as spawn-camping. The better map design was also focused on cutting down some longer draw distances, again for those with lower-end systems. Beta 2 was also praised for its small level of character customization. Insurgency has also enjoyed some degree of user-customisation in the form of custom models, skins and sounds on its forums and on the first-person-shooter customisation community; FPSBanana.Insurgency won ModDB's Mod of the Year 2007 Player's Choice Award and Steamfriends' Best Source Mod 2007 Gold Award.Insurgency's release on Steam was met by a mixed response.

While many were pleased with the wealth of new players entering online servers, many suddenly found themselves playing the game, which they were used to playing with a solid, skilled fanbase, with brand new players who in many cases lacked communication and understanding of Insurgency's concepts.

Description:Insurgency 2 is the Standalone-Version of the old but very popular HL2 Mod 'Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat' which is an Team/Squad-Based Tactical FPS.Insurgency Modern Infantry Combat was downloaded by over 1 million people in the mod's first week of launch. The Game received later the Player's Choice 2007 Mod of the Year award from ModDBand the 'Best Source Mod of 2007' Gold Award from Steamfriends.On March 1st Insurgency 2 is buyable as an 'EarlyAcces' on the DEV´s Homepage, basicly its an BetaAcces and will cost about 20$.Insurgency 2 is based on the 'new' Source-Engine like CSGO and Portal 2.And will be Released on Steam!

We've got a whopping 500mb update for you guys. We've revamped all our maps (except coop - that's next), balanced the hell out of the game, started integrating a more polished user interface, and much more. Use the testing discussion forums to post feedback, suggestions, and bugs.

We will be monitoring them regularly and seeking to add as much polish as possible over the next 9 days. In the mean time, enjoy!New Content. Updated user interface (kit selection, loading screen, HUD, fonts).

Updated every map. Added new map: Peak Coop. New HQ radio messages that brief you on your mission and notify you which objective has been captured/lost.

New diamond icon for squadmates and VIP that appears instead of the player name when you aren't looking directly at them. New weapon cache icons to distinguish them from territorial control points. Added Tracer Ammo upgrade. Green tracers added to insurgent weapons. Various new and updated sounds.New Server Settings. New map playlists: Tactical Operation (Firefight, VIP and Search & Destroy with no supply gain), Sustained Combat( Push, Skirmish, Strike with supply gain) and Cooperative. Updated server.cfg to include these new playlists for servers to choose between.

Added support for text-based MOTD on the loading screen. Uses the same “motdfile” cvar as most Source games, default is motd.txt. Added cvar “svhudscoreboardshowkd”.

Dear Insurgency Community,It is with great pleasure we bring to you the official launch version of Insurgency!It’s important to understand fully what this “soft launch” entails. Early access allowed us to work with our community over the past 10 months, in which time the game has evolved drastically to shape itself into what we feel has become the most intense and strategic, yet rewardingly fun, shooter on the market.

This has always been our goal from day one, but a lot of things have stood in our way. A small team, a failed Kickstarter, constantly running out of money - just a few of the hurdles we’ve dealt with.

Ultimately, early access is what saved this game. It allowed us to buy more time and expand our community; vastly improve the game and discover a niche in the process.There is a very fine line when it comes to early access, and its concept spurs questions such as: “What makes a game ‘final’?” For developers like us, using an iterative approach to multiplayer game development, it’s really hard to answer this question. On one hand we want our product to be perfect, but on the other hand we have bills to pay, workers to feed and simply want to keep building this game. So I think to us, the concept of releasing signifies a turning point where we are accepting our game as “reviewable” by the press and can begin promoting the game to a larger audience.While it’s easy for us to recognize the game’s shortfalls, we still feel the gameplay is strong, distinct, and will only improve as we keep working on it. In the process of “launching” today, we will see a great influx of new activity from all corners of the globe, and support these new players with strategically placed official servers thanks to a newly formed server partnership, complemented by a robust matchmaking system. We are to be promoted on Steam, and eligible for sales throughout this year.

We will continue to update the game in both frequent hot fixes and major content updates every 1-2 months.Throughout our Early Access campaign we have been spending a lot of time analyzing our sales, the price points of competitive games, and the overall perception of our game to the public. In the process of exploring all of this, we have determined that our game sells best at $14.99. For those of you who paid a full Early Access price of $19.99, we hope you will understand that this price drop has your best interests in mind, as well as the best interest for the long term success of this game. Furthermore, we have plans to incentivize those of you who paid extra with something special, which we will reveal in the near future.The lower price point, we feel, will lead to a much more successful reception of the game by players around the world.

It will mean more players, more server options, better perception by the critical press, and at the end of the day your Early Access contribution will bear more value.We should all want this game to get bigger, and we feel pricing the game at $14.99 increases those odds, and that for every person who feels this game is the best $19.99 purchase they’ve made, there will be 10 people who feel this game is the best $14.99 purchase they’ve made.We have a list of things we plan to focus on post-release. Many of the items we had hoped to accomplish before launch, which was also factored in when considering the price drop. We have been paying close attention to feedback on the game and issues people have been having.

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