Warfare Call Of Chernobyl

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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Chernobyl Map

Call of Chernobyl - Full Release. Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. Miscellaneous; By. The first mod, the base for the two, is 'Call of Chernobyl.' I take I should install Warfare AFTER I install Arsenal Overhaul 3?

(CoP). (CoP).Mod sources:.(ModDB).(GameFront).(Nexus Mods).(/sg/ Repos). So, I just got warfare for CoC, and I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Playing monolith because why the fuck not, I charged into ecologist territory and killed all those nerds.

But I don't really know how to assemble a squad other than the standard 'hey let's explore together' thing, which I dont' think is the right option.Plus I was only able to get one guy to follow me, an RPG guy, and when we engaged the ecologists he immediately shot me in the back, i reloaded, then he bumbled into an anomaly.It's all good fun naturally, but I don't know what the fuck buttons do what so If you guys could help me a little more than /vg/ or moddb that would be just exquisite. I just wanted to elaborate a bit on what Bodyguard121 said and kind of explain how I handled my playthough.First things first, all hail the Monolith.So, whenever you've secured a map, you'll see that all the little circles are green. When you decide on the next map you want to secure, hit 'insert' to open up the Warfare menu. Select the next map you want to take from the dropdown list (Cordon for example) and then click 'Send Order'. The menu should disappear and you should get some game text saying 'Invading Cordon'.

It takes it a minute, but it will also make a bunch of new red circles on the map you want to take.I would always travel alone to the next circle I wanted to take, acting as a forward scout. Whenever I needed backup or I had killed all opposition and I needed some of my Monolith brethren to hold the point, I would call in a defense squad.

First hover your mouse over the point you're taking. At the top of the pop up information, you'll see a name that looks something like 'escsmartterrain711'. Now hit 'insert' to open up the CoC menu, type in the name from the point and click 'Defense Squad'. Once you have enough teammates on a point with no enemies, the point turns green.Keep taking points and you too, oh Monolith brother, can have a map that looks like mine:As a side note, the more maps you take, the more insane your faction becomes. I saved Cordon for last, and by the time I got there, I told them to invade Cordon and legions of Monolith armed with rocket launchers swept the entire map with me running point in a matter of minutes. It was stunningly beautiful carnage.Good luck brother!.

So, I've read over your reply, and I still have little to no idea what I am doing.I am playing as Bandits (hurrah!) and trying to take over Darkscape.Now, the amount of (it adds or subtracts the grey circles). What purpose does this serve?What does 'Command Squad' do?Let's say. How do I get them to go and do specific things? What should I have them do?Maybe I want a group to go take? How would I send a single group there? How about multiple groups?Why does show as held by my faction, with 2 defending squads, but no friendly squads are on the map in that location?If I click 'Switch Control,' it cycles between.

What do they mean?Is there a finite number of squads I can send around? Do I have to take one map at a time?Sorry for all the questions! I appreciate the help:).

First of all, awesome post! All the screenshots really make it easy to see what you're asking.I'll try to answer as best as I can, but really, Werejew may have to chime in on a few of these.I'll handle 'Show Targets' a little later as that's going to be a bit longer of an explanation.First, 'Switch Control'. Clicking through these three modes changes between automatic expansion and manual expansion. If you select 'Off', I believe the faction will expand in how it thinks is most fit. 'On (typed targets only)' means the AI will select the next map automatically, and then you can direct them to individual targets by typing the target name in and hitting 'Defense Squad'.

Stalker call of chernobyl warfare 15 r6

'On (level targets and typed targets)' is the same only you can choose the next map to take by selecting the zone and clicking 'Send Order'. At least, that is my understanding. I would suggest just popping this into 'On (level targets and typed targets)' and then leaving it there. It persists through saves too, so that is nice.Alright, 'Show Targets' and 'Command Squad' are kind of intertwined, so I will try to answer both at once here. I never really got 'Show Targets' to work quite right either, so you're not alone in wondering its exact usefulness. When you first load the game and look at the map you'll see some red and green circles (before hitting 'Show Targets'). These are the key AI smart terrain points.

Once you take all of these points, you effectively control the map. However, these are not all of the AI smart terrain points on the map. When you click 'Show Targets', I believe it illuminates all the AI smart terrain points.

Again though, these extra points aren't necessary to take control of a map. Not only are they not necessary, the AI will largely ignore these points unless you actively tell them to focus on one.Now, I believe the reasoning for this is deeply rooted in A-Life. As I understand it, the AI will use these extra smart terrain points as mid-way points to navigate to on their way to the more important smart terrain points.

I believe you can control this with 'Command Squad'. So, let me try to explain in a bit more detail.In Darkscape, let's say for example that there are 10 key smart terrain points to take. Now, there may be 30 smart terrain points overall, but these 10 are the ones you need.

These are the 10 that show up automatically. Now, let's say you're at the northernmost point. I believe it is dskem1, but it may be named something different (I'm going to continue writing as if though it isn't). The next point you want to take is dsptr at the bridge. You can charge it and start killing enemies and your faction should automatically move in to occupy.

Sometimes they are slow or dumb, so you can force their hand by typing 'dsptr' into the text box and clicking 'Defense Squad'. Now, there will be one squad on its way to take the point. Once the point is taken, if there are any of your faction still standing, they will occupy the point. If they all died or you need more reinforcements, you can open the menu again, type the name and click 'Defense Squad' again and another squad will come to the rescue.

You can do the entire game like this. This is exactly how I did my Monolith playthrough.But, let's say that dsptr is being held something fierce and reinforcements are always a bit too far away to get there in time (Darkscape is a big map). This is where we can use dskem3, which is a smart terrain point in between dsptr and dskem1, but not a key point.

You can hit 'Show Targets' to see all smart terrain points to confirm the name, then type the name in the box and click 'Command Squad'. As I understand it, this adds that particular smart terrain point to the list of key points necessary to take in a zone.

So, normally, your faction AI is gunning for the original 10 points, but by clicking 'Command Squad', they are now going for 11 points. Now, you can have your faction holding a point much closer to dsptr, making it easier to exert more strength on the point and overcome the opposition.Unfortunately, whenever I would use 'Show Targets' the coloring system would seem to break. So I would own some points but they would still be red and others that should be red were green.

Untuk apa lagi utha likumahuwa midi. Pria kelahiran 1 Agustus 1955 ini berasal dari kota Ambon.

I think this is just a problem with Warfare that will need to be fixed in future versions. I found it confusing, so I never used the 'Show Targets' feature and it really wasn't all that necessary a feature anyways.As for making your squads move, near as I can tell, you do not have direct control over individual squads. It's more like you radio to base saying you need reinforcements or an occupying force on this particular smart terrain point and then base will take care of it from there.

To be even more precise, whenever you select a point and click 'Defense Squad', I believe it spawns a squad within a short run of the point you're looking for instead of pulling ranks from a point that's already been taken. As a result of this, you can only request a 'Defense Squad' once every 30 seconds or so (might be longer, not sure). So this is kind of a way of giving you a finite number of squads, because if the point you are trying to take is crazy powerful, once every 30 seconds is just sparse enough to ensure that everyone dies before the next squad comes.As you take more maps, your overall faction strength becomes stronger and stronger, which means that the faction AI will start to steamroll maps once you have more than 75% of the entire game taken. Also, I found that in early game, it's easy to lose points that are next to a level change area to a map that you don't have control of yet.

So, you will find it really difficult, if not impossible, to take a map that is bordered on three sides by maps you haven't taken yet. So, you have to plan a good route through the maps and through the entire game to ensure that you can take and keep a map.You don't have to take one map at a time, but until your faction strength is at ridiculous numbers, trying to take more than one map at a time will generally be impossible. It's best to be slow, methodical, take a map that's bordered on just two sides by maps you don't have yet and beat back opposition until you can keep all points consistently green. Then, choose the next best map (sometimes you may have to backtrack), select it from the drop down menu and click 'Send Order'.I should state that I'm not the developer or have any relation to development in any way. Some of the things I said may be slightly incorrect or just flat out wrong. This information is just based on the hours I've logged playing the game and messing with the system.I hope I was able to answer some of your questions! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

If I can't answer them, hopefully Werejew will pop in and help us out.Cheers,David. So, whenever you've secured a map, you'll see that all the little circles are green. When you decide on the next map you want to secure, hit 'insert' to open up the Warfare menu. Select the next map you want to take from the dropdown list (Cordon for example) and then click 'Send Order'. The menu should disappear and you should get some game text saying 'Invading Cordon'. It takes it a minute, but it will also make a bunch of new red circles on the map you want to take.holy tits I can't imagine why this wasn't written on the main page.

Thank you.Tell me, where can I find traders? I've been going on a little odyssey to zanton to try and find cardan but him, and all his friends, are nowhere to be found. IS there a trader or tech in pripyat or the chernobyl NPP?And speaking of invading zanton, when I did so, they invaded the swaps instead. No invasion spots on zanton. Any idea why?.

For traders, I think it might depend a bit on which version of Warfare you are running. I would recommend grabbing the latest version from Werejew's bitbucket. Here's a link:It seems that traders and mechanics will spawn on any level once you take the point where they normally spawn. So, for example, in the Great Swamps, you have to take the Clear Sky base in the bottom of the map. Once you do, some teammates will move to occupy the point and then a Trader and mechanic will spawn and then move to where they normally sit. Cordon is a bit of an exception.

A mechanic spawns, but the only trader that spawned on the level for me is Sidorovich, which is where he always is, hidden in his bunker and un-killable (I put several 9x39 rounds in his dome and he laughed them off). At any rate, it requires a bit of prior knowledge of the maps, but if you head to where a trader would normally be on a map you've taken, a trader should spawn there.I'm not sure why sometimes the faction chooses to invade a place you haven't chosen and I'm not sure how to get them to change their mind. It's not a huge problem for areas like the Swamps versus Cordon (annoying, but not game breaking), but my first Monolith playthrough, they went straight for the Army Warehouses and we didn't have near the strength to take it, so I was stuck in a stalemate with 300+ kills and we weren't making any headway. I ended up restarting the playthrough and heading in a totally different direction so they would have to follow me.

Maybe can give us some insight as to if there is a way to get them to ignore a map they've already selected and go after the one you choose.(Edit to fix me mixing up map names). Uhhwellthat was pretty fucking promptThank you.

Hey sorry been a little busy / distracted today and didn't get around to the spawning stuff. I have to be up for work in seven hours and will work on it when I get in.I was under the impression that the major weapon packs just made toolkits available to buy or something, maybe not. I can look into that though.I could maybe have it spawn NPCs with better gear or something, or possibly look into giving them upgraded suits to help with that. I'll figure something out.There SHOULD be a trader/mechanic spawning there, at least there was for me in my previous plays there. As nakazoto said, it could be just a recent thing in warfare I kinda forget.Sure, that's easy.I'll look into it.

If I can modify the actors stats etc (which I SHOULD be able to), then I can make that happen pretty easily.As for the arena, it sounds like someone pushed that to a repo earlier today for coc. I'll look around more for it and get it implemented in warfare if so. Toolkits are available; however they are expensive, rarely in stock, and very, VERY heavy. Plus, they cannot repair suits nor upgrade.I wouldn't advise better gear as it would assumedly cross over to the enemies too which leads to complications. There's been some change made by either arsenal, coc, or warfare where enemies are able to detect you perfectly at any time; you can no longer use stealth and flanking tactics as for some reason the system was either nerfed to the point of being pointless or removed entirely. This combined with the player now being able to be killed instantly from any range with any weapon so long as the opponent gets lucky makes this game very, VERY frustrating.

It's pretty horseshit how you can be killed instantly by a sawn off while wearing an exosuit. And of course your guns will suck ass as you cannot find a mechanic. Not fun.There's a trader but no mechanic in yantar, the bar or the freedom base.

This is bad because it means that the amount of mechanics is extremely top heavy. There is one that rarely spawns in the upper NPP though, which is good.I also have a question regarding aggression of factions- they aren't attacking my bases, or each other. Occasionally they'll bout around the offshoot territories, but if I want a good fight I have to seek it out. Which I wouldn't mind, if I didn't have to walk all the way back from the bar to the skadovsk to repair my stuff. That's a long trip, counting crashes and a no-sprint exo.I can't ask too much of you, but if I had to have two things I would ask for more mechanics, and, If possible, remove the instant-kill and magical detection abilities of the enemies. Everything else could therefore be managed; as now having no suit in the early game wouldn't be a death sentence as you could sneak around your foes, choosing your battles.If you need help I volunteer my time though I have no idea what I'm doing. Unfortunately the detection thing I believe is just call of chernobyl in general, though I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to modify that.

I think that's mainly tied to weapons though.How long did you wait for the mechanic in the bar and freedom base? I just started new games as duty and freedom and both times a mechanic and trader spawned, though they can take up to a couple minutes it seems.The instant kill thing is weapon pack specific. I'm working on my own pack that ports a good amount of stuff from counter-strike, fallout, and other mods for call of pripyat and from what I understand, a lot of it is tied to the high kap with ammunition types (values 0.75). Had someone supply me with the damage formula and it seems that with kap 0.75 things end up dying very quickly, though they were primarily talking about other stalkers (but I imagine it affects the player too).Are you using expansion aggression set to 100? If so, try 99. 100% aggression uses different behavior where they will kinda target everything around them instead of one specific level.

Gotta rework that to be a boolean probably instead of having it happen with 100% aggression. 99% still makes it so they get a new level target very fast - it checks to see if they can expand once every twenty to thirty seconds I believe.

Some of these I might be able to help with, so I'll give it a stab!Tool Kits:I've got nothing on the tool kits thing, in the countless hours I've logged so far, I haven't found any tool kits either. I will say that the Military mechanics spawn with all upgrades though.

You can actually use one of the Warfare installation options to give all mechanics all upgrades from the go, eliminating the need to find tool kits. I'll admit that if you use Call of Changes (which allows you to loot money), this means that by the time you take your first map, you've got so much money you can upgrade anything and everything. Won't make you invincible, but certainly changes the gameplay style a bit.Mechanic/Trader in Pripyat:When I started in Pripyat I actually had a trader and mechanic spawn. It took a little bit for the NPCs to move around to the positions they wanted to be in, but they ultimately did spawn. This might be something that only started happening with the most recent build of Warfare, I'm not sure.Starting Gear:Character starting gear is something that is controlled by whichever weapon mod you're using. Which means that Warfare doesn't actually edit that at all.

Getting the AO or STCoP devs to change the starting gear might be tough, but it's actually something you can do fairly easily. You just need to edit an xml file. The file you're looking for is either 'characterdescgeneralAO3.xml' or 'characterdescgeneralSTCoP.xml' located in 'gamedata/configs/gameplay'.

Although, I found that once I think once you get Warfare to spawn Traders and Mechanics properly, this shouldn't be a problem.Class Selections:No clues about how to do Perks, but as I stated above, a quick edit of the xml file and you can start making interesting class builds. It would definitely be cool to have an AO3 addon (an addon for an addon, it's addonception!) where you have different starting loadouts you can select from like you were suggesting.Arena:No clue how you would go about re-opening the Area, although I fear that that may be a CoC thing instead of a Warfare thing.Hope these helped a bit!Cheers!. As Werejew stated above, it's most likely a Call of Chernobyl thing or a weapon pack thing.The problem that i have is that I can be sneaky and crouch to move around and flank enemies from the back, but if I stuff it up and die, the next time I reload I can't be sneaky anymore.

Warfare call of chernobyl war

It's like the AI remembers that I just died right over there so they're on high alert hunting me down.It gives it an interesting gameplay mechanic though. I know that I have to get my sneakiness perfect on the first shot, otherwise I gotta fall back, find some cover and snipe.

.Warfare OptionsWarfare has two types of options ultimately, game options and faction options. Game options affect overall warfare settings, whereas faction options will affect how factions operate.Italicized options are not yet implemented. Game options. Debug logging (inflates log file). Enables debug logging for warfare. Will inflate log files immensely, as it outputs detailed steps of every function exit in order to help track down any crashes that may be otherwise difficult to detect.

All out war. Causes every faction to be aggressive toward every other faction. If DoctorX's dynamic faction relations is installed, this will only be applied at the start of a game so that relations can improve over time. I may add an option to enable/disable this however.

Simulate offline combat at smarts. Causes offline combat to simulate between squads that are waiting at a point instead of squads being able to intercept each other. This will cause front lines to be more permeable and possibly allow the game to progress more quickly. Disable offline combat. Disables offline combat. This is the vanilla coc functionality. Squads will only fight when they switch online, which means they are within distance of the player.

Hide underground smarts. Shows or hides underground points on the PDA. Enable offline news events. Enables or disables offline news events which get fired off whenever an NPC is killed in offline combat.

Offline news display percentage. The percentage of news messages to show. The default value is 10, which means 90% of offline news messages are filtered out. Show unfriendly squads. When enabled, every squad is displayed on the PDA.

When disabled, only friendly squads are displayed while neutral and enemy squads are hidden. Factions keep last base. Factions will keep their last base and will never be completely wiped out. Enable mutant offline combat. When enabled, mutants will take part in offline combat. When disabled, mutants will only be able to be killed and deal damage when online.

Zombies act as a faction. Allows zombies to expand their territory.

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