Mount And Blade Warband How To Become Marshal

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Mount and blade warband give up being marshall

Mount And Blade War Band How To Become Marshal

I know we all have been anxiously awaiting the release of Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, but I am here to tell you that the release date has been under our noses this entire time.Lets start out simple. Warband starts in the year 1257, if we split that into 4 pieces and take the corresponding letter in the alphabet of the number, we get ABEG.If we. Mount & Blade: Warband – Message Board. They voted me marshal in the original game but in warband vanilla they never had a vote. It always went to Klargus, Plais or Tredian everytime. They could be getting captured. They may not hold a vote if there's a capture, because it's a time of war and an emergency I think the king just picks in that case.

Mount And Blade Warband How To Become Marshal

My advice is don't over-commit to your campaign. A lot of lords will show up and follow you around, and while it's appealing to strut around the world with 1000+ guys crushing everything in your path, it will also drain you. Use the 'I have a new task for you' command to send them off on individual missions. Have some lords patrol, some raid, and some go home and replenish. This way you can continue your offensive while still protecting your own territory, and as your lords on the front lines get depleted you can send them home and pick up ones who have been recruiting.Over committing will win you a lot of towns and castles quickly, but you won't be able to withstand a counter-attack or a second front. Um, if you have good relations with your lords then you can call campaigns and lead everyone to attack places. Try not to get the army wrecked, I.E.

Only attack towns if you have most of the nation assembled and the enemy armies are occupied, otherwise just take castles on your borders. Try not to lose land either. If you decide you like it you can keep going as marshal but when you decide it's not worth it you should be able to talk to the king and give it up. Wait a while before doing so though, I think it will cost you a little bit of relations to do so, but you will gain relations with everyone from winning battles as marshal.

Whenever I become marshal I basically plan my internal sabotage to lead me into a strong rebellion. I trade try and trade all the fiefs I can with other lords so that they're all attached and back into a corner so that when I rebel, they aren't scattered. Then I slowly try to weaken all of the other lords armies, while taking new castles and trading them with other lords who have one attached to my prospective new area. I make people fight stupid fights and lose so that when they get routed or captured, I can rebel when the king doesn't reward me with a new fief, and I won't get rolled over by my old faction since they're the first ones you will go to war with as your own faction.

When I'm getting close to the rebellion, I give lords the mission of patrolling my fiefs, while letting the other ones get rolled. '.To crush your enemies, to see them fall at your feet - to take their horses and goods and hear the lamentation of their women. That is best.'


Attack them at their offensive capabilities first. Imprison their lords, the more wealthy and powerful the better. Occasionally I'll get their King or Marshall or other high lords and lock them in a frontier fortification, and when the brave souls of my enemy come to rescue their beleaguered liege, I come down upon them in add them to the dungeons.Don't begin your campaigns immediately. Know where they are, predict where they are intending to attack (typically a frontier, capital or former possession) and meet them (or intercept them) in superior force. Alternatively, choose where you want to fight them - geographically speaking, to the advantage of your troops - and draw them to you.

Mount and blade marshalship

Being faster than your enemy is critical.

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