Mon Calamari Cruiser Model

Posted on  by  admin

This resin model kit of a Star Wars Calamari cruiser class starship is wonderfully detailed with recessed panel lines and hollow hull components. If it sounds not to rude, are you having plans to release your Han Solo model from Tatooine at war? Thanks a lot. I am not sure if I am allowed to. All unexported models can be already downloaded here. Star Destroyer and Mon Calamari Cruiser. By TheMastermindOfMaom » Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:54 pm. But credit CorraAshu and Free Radical.

» » Mon Calamari CruiserMon Calamari CruiserHeavy Rebel attack cruiser armed with 4 turbolaser batteries and 2 ion cannon batteries. Invulnerable to shield generator destruction.This ship can only be built on Kuat, Sullust, Fondor or Mon Calamari.Class:Capital ShipAffiliation:Damage:60Tactical Heath:8500Shield Points:2000Shield Refresh Rate:50 points/secCost:4000 creditsBuild Time:90 secondsSpeed:1.5Hyperspace Capable:Yes (1)Sublight Speed:1.5Population Slots:4Req. Space Station:Level 4Strong AgainstWeak AgainstSpecial AttributesHardpoints 2x Ion Cannon Battery- 420 health- 2000 range- 41° rotation- 1.16 shots/sec4x Turbo Laser Battery- 420 health- 2000 range- 44° rotation- 1.49 shots/secEngines- 490 healthAbilities Boost Shield Power: Boost shield regeneration for a short duration.

While shields are boosted, ships move and fire at a slower rate.Unit information from Empire at War.

I wouldn't get my hopes set for a Hammerhead but it wouldn't really be a good Victory counter anyway. The MC-80 wingless will be replacing the Assault Frigate though not sure at what tier but it could probably handle a Victory.

Mon Calamari Cruiser 3d Model

I actually don't find the Victory to be all that strong unless you attack it with Fighters and Corvettes that can't take a missile barrage. Anything with destroyable hard points takes a while for a Victory to take out since apart from missiles, that really can only target one hardpoint at a time, it only has the 6 turbolasers so it's actually fairly lightly armed. There's the tier 4 gunship that has missile jammers too.+4 votes. Beating the AI is simple once you realize their tactics. They will always out build you but they go pure defensive once their base is under heavy attack. I've won many rounds where I kept two to three Calamari cruisers or other heavy support in reserve till the enemy begins attacking my base with their primary force and then I sneak a fighter off to spot their base and drop a large attack force on top of it. The whole AI fleet minus a few bombers maybe will break off the attack and turn around to race back to their base.

Also during that time you can land some ships directly behind them and chew them up with excellent flanking positions. Just make sure your strike force is strong enough to kill the base because if they fail then you're out of luck most the time. The First three quarters of the battle is maintaining at least half the asteroid mining facilities.Moral of the story if your losing attack their base with whatever can sneak away without dying before it gets there. Use the waypoint system too to direct ships down intelligent paths like hey there's a huge blob of enemy ships in the middle so I'm going to sneak mine around that asteroid field to get to their base so they don't get torn up before they get there.+1 vote.

I don't mind Disney content at all, as long as its good content.Rogue One was the most hype I've felt watching a star wars movie in forever, I left the cinema with my mind still occupied by those final epic 5 minutes, if not for Disney it'd have never been made. When people first heard of the acquisition of Star Wars by Disney and the nullification of canon they were crying every word in the book, meanwhile, I was trying to nuance the public hysteria by suggesting this was probably not bad, and possibly, a very good thing.

People laughed at me back then, and I laugh at them now.I still can't stand the hammerhead though. Give me my kotor hammerhead back.+1 vote. Let me explain why I don't like most of their asthetic work with two examples.Example: The mon cal ship they have up on the image section atm has corellian corvette turrets plastered all over the hull, a hull which has the same two base textures copy pasted onto it that they put on every single starship.

I actually wrote up a whole piece on a program called Substance Painter here: in the hopes they'd start using it instead of copy pasting the same two textures onto every starship.Example: Their ISD. From the weird turret towers to the same copy pasted 2 textures to the corellian corvette turrets, it's all around not great quality. 'But J, it's your star destroyer!' No, this is my star destroyer: Say what you will about my first ISD, but it doesn't have a copy paste texture, it doesn't have corellian corvette turrets, and it does not have random towers plastered all over the hull.Of course, in the end it all comes down to personal preference, but I feel like a statement such as 'they are spot on with anything from the movies' is objectively incorrect. Feel free to like their work though, I'm just personally not keen on their results.+1 vote. Well, since you went and bit my head off, let me return the favori like the ISD models of most mods, but the YVaW looks, in my opinion, best, because of the level of detail. The same reason why i love all their stuff, and if you don't like it, then that's your choice.

Mon calamari cruiser specs

But you don't have to go badmouthing their stuff just because you don't like every fine for textures, that's your choice as well, and i'm sorry if they are trying to keep everything of the same groudp with the same texture offends you, or if it is the way you do it. But the Turrets are for a specific weapon that happens to be on the CR90 and apparently on whatever ship your. off about.maybe my statement was incorrect, or they are trying to make it look realistic, but don't go biting everyone's heads off because you don't like them or their work. Now, if you don't like the results, that's fine. You don't have to look at them.

But multiple people like them, and people won't like you if you badmouth what they supportif i offend you, then i'm sorry, but i'm tired of you going around and criticising everything you didn't make or everything that is not exactly at the procedures you like with your mod+2 votes. My jaw dropped to the floor the first time i saw the textured Shree-class battlecruiser, to date i think that is the absolute best looking model and texture made for FOC.I'll chime in with my opinion for what its worth, to me Geroenimo's mon calamari battleship is joy to see it fly trough space, it might not be movie acurate but the blue hues fit it very well and the guns are nice and smoothly interred in the blisters. The turrets dont feel out of place or sticking out.Be it the use of 2 textures (a hyperbole probably, i know) or the tendency to make most ship lights blue in YVAW, or the lack of substance painter (a program i know nothing about, but i can recognise the style of textures it creates, and they have a smoother 3D feel like an extra layer of ambient occlusion).

The YVAW ships still look great but i think something is missing.And geroenimo's 'head biting' aint bad when youre looking for actual critiques.EDIT: I really love the YVAW mod and often scroll back, but this time i really noticed how almost every texture has blue lights:/ Perhaps i am the only person irked by this,but it gives a too samey feel.+2 votes. That's the problem though, most people aren't looking for proper critique, they're looking to have their opinions vindicated and be told what they made looks good. There's very few people, like Farseer, or me, who'll actually respond to critique and occasionally make changes accordingly.But when people say stuff like 'You should make the model it photoaccurate!' Or ' This model made me laugh!' I'm sitting here with my hands up like 'Wtf am I supposed to do with this 'critisism'?' Not very useful, but a lot of people seem to not understand what critique is all about. I'm glad you atleast understand, helps keep me sane:)+2 votes.

Mon Calamari Cruiser Raddus

Aint that the truth about there's plenty of mods out there and I've downloaded full mods for one ship plenty of times. When I find a mod with 3 or more I like it's a gold mine. I use this one as my base for all personal mods since it has far and away the most ships I like plus the other graphical enhancements. I also am on the search for good turrets and man the different scales can kill you sometimes but it's getting better and better with the newer models and guys sharing content.

Man how much simpler would life be if I could get 3ds max 8 and some free time to play with it. Rigging and scaling alone would be a life saver. Currently I'm fondest of the ported Dice MC80 floating around a few mods but when this one is released well turrets no turrets so the math is simple haha.+1 vote.

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