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Contoh Tulisan Harap Tenang & Dilarang Masuk Ada Ujian.Assalamu'alaikum sahabat Guru Jugan khususnya rekan-rekan pembaca yang sedang mencari Format Tulisan Harap Tenang Ada Ujian, Dilarang Masuk untuk persiapan Ulangan Akhir Semester, Ujian Sekolah dan Ujian Nasional Tahun pelajaran 2018/2019.

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Slime from: (I believe it’s a duo slime with the other Little Twin Star slime.)Hey y’all! This is my first post as so I’m quite excited lolll 😆I’m also really proud of myself because I think this video is literally perfection 🤩This vid also makes me feel a lot like 😁Unfortunately, I’ve been developing some allergic reactions recently and it’s been going on for a couple of weeks. I showed my mom and she thinks that it’s because of slime. I personally think that it’s borax since I’ve been playing a lot with store bought slimes, but my mom still insists that it’s slime in general. We came to an agreement that whenever I touch slime, I have to wear gloves.

That’s also part of the reason why I changed my username. It’s ok, though. I still have many prefilmed videos of me playing with slime without gloves. After I post all of those vids, I’ll still be posting- while wearing gloves.- 8 days ago. Why is 'doing it for the gram' so bad? It's led me to so many experiences I wouldn't have had otherwise! How many can say they've ran through hidden corridors and gardens in New Orleans, barefoot in a dress from a little corner of a street market?

Of course, it starts out as an idea for a great picture, but then you’re posing and forget the camera is there and just enjoy the moment unraveling before you. Every picture I’ve taken has a story and a memory, sometimes the story comes first and a picture is snapped but just as often a picture is snapped and the story unravels after because we wouldn’t have gone down these corridors otherwise. We almost got dragged out by security!

But that story of this moment probably wouldn’t have happened had it not been “for the gram”. Just a thought to think about:).- 3 months ago. Before I focused all my time on my family and players, I used to focus all my time on myself. I was in the weight room every day for at least two hours a day, then the court for 2 hours. Then I would stretch and ice afterwards. 5 hour process, 6 days a week.

And it was a grind! But I loved it!I went into JuCo 165lbs dripping wet and when I got there my coach told me 'no promises if you can't put any weight on'. By the end of my freshmen season I was 185lbs and began to start playing pretty well. By sophomore season I was 200lbs and starting. By my Junior year I was 210lbs and only 12% body fat. I had a 38inch vertical and ran under a 5 minute mile.Then after college I snowboarded right into a tree 🌲🏂 😂 I broke ALL of my ribs on my left side and collapsed my lung and bruised a bunch of organs 😬.

Doctors didn't know if I was going to make it but luckily I was big and strong enough to withstand the impact 💪🏼 8 days in the hospital, 2 weeks not eating solid foods, 1 month of bed rest, and 4 months of no physical activity was the recipe for me losing 40 pounds of muscle 🤦🏻‍♂️😫🤷🏻‍♂️ and I have been so caught up in building my family and helping my players that I have forgotten to work on myself! I'm going to change that!I feel like in order to properly guide my players, I need to lead by example. I need to show them what it takes. I have to be in the best shape possible if I want to push my players into being in shape. So I've been in the weight room for a couple of weeks now and I'm feeling good. Just wait on it! 💯😈- 3 months ago.

Maaf Pa.Kado ini terlambat dn tidak pernah Papa buka. Toga biru ini mungkin terlihat biasa, tapi tdk untukku. Toga biru dn wisudaku seharusnya menjadi kado terbaik dr salah satu harapan terbaik dn ucapan terbaik Alm Papa.Mama pernah bercerita, suatu hari Mama dn Alm Papa sdng berkeliling disekitar Jatinangor krna tdk jauh dr rumah kami di Rancaekek, saat itu Kampus ITB Jatinangor sdng dalam tahap pembangunan.Lalu Alm Papa berucap 'Mudah2an Salah Satu Anak Papa ada yg Kuliah Disini (sambil menunjuk Kampus ITB Jatinangor) dn nanti wisuda pakai Toga Biru cirikhasnya'Sesederhana keinginan seorang anak mewujudkan harapan dn doa orangtua, setelah mendengar cerita itu dr Mama.

Saat kebingungan mencari universitas untuk melanjutkan S2 dn mendaftar BPI LPDP, tanpa pikir panjang aku langsung memantapkan diri untuk memilih ITB dn mencari jurusan yg kuliahnya dilaksanakan di ITB Jatinangor, Alhamdulilah ada Magister Arsitektur Lanskap disana. Alhamdulilah benar adanya 'Ucapan Orangtua adalah Do'a' beasiswa BPI LPDP didapat, ujian masuk ITB pun dimudahkan Allah SWT.Aku ingat Papa berjanji akan dtng ke wisudaku, walau skrng sdh tidak bisa. Aku yakin Papa melihatku dr Surga. Maafkan tth ya pa kado ini terlmbat tth berikan dan skrng hanya menjadi kado yg tidak pernah Papa buka. Wisudaku tidak sempurna tanpa Papa.Al-Fatihah (180818-Muhamad Nawawi bin Kiai Haji Badjuri) - 3 months ago.

This was my first EVER performance man‼️ It was an unreal experience and I really feel like I left those people impacted positively😇as well as helped them have a good time🤣I promise y’all the feeling is unreal when people come up to you with admiration for what you’ve devoted a part of your life too🙌🏾💯 It’s actually kinda funny, the guy who was next actually said “ I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to come up here and top what he just did, let’s give him another round of applause.” I was the only person they said that about and did that for. And while I believe everybody there was super talented and did amazing, It was truly an honor to have that said about me. This is a big step in my journey, and it’s only the beginning.

Thank you for the Love and support, I love all of y’all💛💯 S/O to for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely be returning and coming with better material each time🔥🔥‼️.- 4 months ago.

Ollaa 👋 Happy Sunday ❤️.Sometimes I don't know what got into me.I do weird or crazy stuffs too. I also take a lotta risks.Some people say, I always look ready and plan everything.Honestly, I don't (sometimes I did). I'm afraid too. My life isn't always goes as my plan.But somehow I just believe that what happened to me (bad/good) will eventually lead me to the ultimate place that God wants me to.

And I know, He will guide and give me strength through all of it.Nb: akhirnya nela nulis caption ga nyambung sama fotonya 😂 - 4 months ago. Dont you hate it when you are supposed to decode but ended up kiting the hunter the whole game or even died in early game because they targeted you first.(〒▽〒).Im not a mindeyes user but ik damn well how annoying it is to be the main target (cuz sometimes i played as Mechanic too (××;) ),thats why when i saw mindeyes or Mechanic kiting the hunter i was like 'RESPECT' 😤 cuz we all know its not easy to kite with em(πーπ).Gotta love/respect and protec all mindeyes players 😍.' Hihihihi in this pic,Wuchang kinda deserves that xD nah just kidding i mean Helena have every damn right to be angry 😂' xD.Credits: Pinterest (Drop the Artist name if you happen to know ☺).- 5 months ago.

Have you ever feel like you need to shut down for awhile? Hoping when you get back, theres something more exciting to do.Lately i experienced that, i feel like running in circle with nothing. I tried to do my best but sometimes thats just never enough for some people.Of course i believe that ‘you will achieve improvement when people give you opinion and advice’.

But what if everytime you hand your job, they always have something to judge your work? Thats made me feel like crap you know.

Especially everytime they judge you, they seems compare you with other people ( of course in a good talk so i’ll not get offended ). Should i laugh, angry or cry? 🤷🏻‍♀️.- 8 months ago. Amazing isn't how we can learn something about ourselves through the art of other people's.Everything is connected.We always tried to find something that missing in ourselves. We search relentlessly, whether it's a purpose, meaning, place to stay, soulmate, job, occupation, life-calling, friends, network, and so on.Sometimes the search just won't get you anywhere, and you ended up feeling detached from the universe and feeling lost.But the universe is messy and complex. It's made up of not one, but unlimited possibilities and patterns. When you see the universe with one straight pathway, that's when the universe reminds you of how naive we are as a creature, amidst this complex universe.Things that don't make sense now will somehow make it's way back to you.

In time, the sense that absence in current time will be purely visible in the future. The series of things that happened, it happened as the universe allow it.We may ask why? But universe can't be dechipered by logic alone.The thread won't make a masterpiece with just one line. It has to be tangled, streched, and knotted to create something. The complexity is beautiful. The messy connectedness is beautiful.

The line that wander, searching for it's way, will eventually make it's way to crossed the path of the destined haven.📸 credit.- 8 months ago. God always know what or who we need, so He sends you because He knows that I need a guy like you.Sampe sekarang gak nyangka aja bisa punya suami, dia yang gak pernah tergambar sedikitpun di bayangan,yang secara kriteria keluar jauh menyimpang, tapi Tuhan kasi yg kita butuh bukan yg kita inginkan,right? Gw berapi-api dia woles aja, gw maunya cepet dia alon-alon asal kelakon, giliran dia panik gw yg calm down gitu juga sebaliknya, gw gak sabaran dia si raja sabar,kalo pun gak sabar dia gak ngoceh2 kayak gw, dia tuh udah kayak obat penenang lah,dia kalo ngomong pelan mendayu dayu gw jangan harap,plas plos, dia jago basa-basi gw kadang dibilang terlalu jutek, karakter yg jauh beda tp entah malah jadi saling melengkapi and I really thank God can meet him in the right time.

Hubungan gak selalu di atas gunung kebahagiaan, tapi kadang juga harus melewati lembah pencobaan. Semua diijinkan Tuhan supaya kita bisa jadi pendaki yg kuat. God bless us and God bless for every 'married' or 'just married' couple- 8 months ago. Thank You God for giving me another year of life. Thanks to all the people who remembered me today by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes on October 13th, 2018. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for You, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to You. Now, I pray for protection and guidance in my everyday journey I also pray for good health and happiness of my family and friends.

In Jesus name, I pray. Ok.deep exhale.

this is a deep topic for me. I found out I was deaf when I was 6. I felt betrayed. I asked the classic question “why me?” For years I fought against being deaf, while simultaneously having to deal with it 24/7.

I had to learn to read lips. I had to have speech therapy (and even today I still have a little lisp left over). I had to learn to cope with being sound-overwhelmed, stressed and scared. There were many times when I felt very alone in my personality and disabilities.

How many of you have heard of a deaf musician and filmmaker? Well that’s what I am and I’m doing all this other stuff too.

I often ask God “why am I here? Why this way?

What purpose will I serve?” I don’t know yet. But finally, after 11 years, I am embracing my disability complete with culture and even sign-language. (I’m spelling A-B-C in the photos) It’s like starting anything new: it takes time, patience and determination but I’ve gone this far, I won’t let my disability stop me now any more than I ever have. I want to say this: deaf/disabled people are no different than you. We have hopes and fears and dreams too. We are crazy, stressed and passionate just like you.

We deserve better than to be treated like we don’t matter. 9 months ago. 'Something just happened earlier and it was my first experienced ever😥.i was at the cafe with my friend then i saw a group of man sitting just next to our table and its obviously they're not from our country since they looks like an english man so i dont really know where they come from (at first).but the story was one of them and i believe his name was marco, he tried to ordered a beer and as we already know we're absolutely not allowed to selling that kind of drinks in our country right! Since this is an islamic country.

Jesus takes strangers and make them a family. Back, (rear) delts and biceps today (+calfs)-Deads shown here (2nd exercise). Yes the weights embarrassing, but it’s progressing every week - and that’s what I’m focused on. Still trying to nail down form especially with the Texas bar, eg.

Pulling slack, tension in back, hip height etc, but the main thing is just pulling as hard as fucking possible, (learnt from the boys )-Clip too long so first reps cut off so rest of the set shown, same for the bicep clip.Pre workout situation was by no means optimal. Working again today meant having to get meals in between serving customers and doing other shit, then having to slam food in 5 mins after getting home then heading to the gym. But this has a minimal effect when you learn to focus simply on each set at hand. Forget everything.I’m in no position to complain, as this is fuck all compared to what some people I know have to do.

One being the man - so much respect for this dude. 12 hour shifts fasted, then training - no complaints.Everything still progressed where possible:)- 12 months ago. You may notice a common theme with all these pics: I’m literally cheesing in all of them!!

I have never been so happy & content in my whole life. If you had asked me 4 years ago where I thought I would be at this point, I could have never guessed this. GOD IS SO UNDENIABLY AMAZING & FAITHFUL. He has blessed me beyond belief with an incredible college experience with my absolute best friends. Each of you mean the world to me.

Here’s to graduating & being empowered women changing the world in the most unique ways. I love y’all - 1 year ago. Anzac Day 2018Even though it ain’t the most beautiful photos of me since 2 of them are with my mouth open ahah.

But it shows action shots of me commanding and actually doing something as so called people said ahah. But I think yesterday was a huge success and I couldn’t be any more proud of not only my unit marching. But also my peers in year 12, you all did a great job leading our school through the marches and with your speeches. Also, thank-you to everyone that has said I did a great job yesterday. Very much appreciated! But also well done to absolutely everyone for coming to a parade to pay the respects of our fellow fallen and ones still fighting for our beautiful country.

Lest we forget 🥀🌹 - 1 year ago. Can’t believe it’s our last year with mock trial:( It’s been such a great experience and I feel like we’ve all grown a lot💁 I will miss staying up late working on closing, writing and correcting and updating questions, stressing over how underprepared we are, laughing at the other teams and keep on supporting, encouraging and advising each other:)❤️🌟 Big big thank you to everyone, thank you for stressing and working together, thank you for your overbearing support, thank you for being great witnesses!! - 1 year ago. My short time in India has come to an end and what do you know I took like 5 pictures.Of course I had to include a sunset picture because.My last five days were spent in Amalapuram which is in Southern India and included visiting an elementary school where I had the completely unexpected opportunity to teach! No, it wasn’t do good, feel good, then leave type of work. They taught me things about India, while I taught them random things including singing the Star Spangled Banner, solo, A Capella, in front of a fourth grade class (awkward af).I also had the opportunity to eat dinner at a place called “New Life Center” where people who have HIV or leprosy reside at.

(Don’t worry Dr. Houghton and others, it wasn’t active leprosy, I think I’m gonna make it).The last picture is probably the first mirror selfie I’ve taken since I was 14, but I wanted to share how extremely happy I was in that moment despite the last clean shirt I have to my name and my short, unwashed, brunette hair. 😅 (don’t ask where my left eye went bc idk either).Huge shoutout to Dr. Gollapalli and his family for making this possible. This leg of the journey went by too quickly.Onto the next ✈️- 1 year ago.

I felt good today so I decided to clean myself up! I want to share some of my thoughts over the past couple months. I really haven’t been feeling good about myself as in I have been having a negative mindset and being really hard on myself when I haven’t done something to the best of my capability.

This really takes a toll in your life if you have experienced this. Things haven’t been going super well but I’ve been trying my best to get through it. Today I’ve finally decided that I’m going to leave all the bs behind and move forward!

I’m going to be more positive and achieve more in my life. Letsss gooooo! - 1 year ago. 26/3Here's another trashy practice because I'm dying to put my acrylics up hereIt looks so much better on paper, I promise.The only reason why I keep uploading stuff is because I want to clear this row of paper drawings and start putting up acrylics and daily life stuff. But I still owe a drawing of her dog so. LolI think I'm gonna put an acrylic painting on here later just to make up for never posting here. Though I'm definitely posting much more often now.The drawing is a cup of wine.

No, I have never tried wine before. I simply was listening to 'Story of Tonight' a lot and this is in reference to the quote 'Raise a glass to Freedom' but I doubt you know what I'm talking about- well and and and will but that's about it lolOkay this is a caption too long- 1 year ago. Is satisfaction the feeling of having a meal when you are hungry? Of lying on your bed after a whole day of hard work?Is satisfaction that feeling when a loved one laughs till they have tears in their eyes, till their face stretches in the most ugly way and still looks beautiful?Is satisfaction the feeling of cold air hitting your face? Or the sunlight kissing your eyes? Or the water lightly caressing your feet? Or the moonlight touching you through the clouds, making you glow gently in the dark?

Or the sound of firewood cracking in the golden abyss of flames? Or the sound of the ocean and scent of pinewood and dry leaves?Or can satisfaction be something as mundane as a chocolate as it was for this boy?- 1 year ago. (Melbourne, 6 March 2018) A SOCIAL DAY AT UNIMELB.Today I only have one class and it is lecture type class. Because I don’t have any single day to just relax at home without class (I always have at least one lecture everyday in my timetable), so today I think is a good day to just have fun at uni and socialise more. Firstly, I was attending Indonesian Studies and Language Association (ISLA) Welcome Lunch at 12-1pm for free Indonesian food and meet (mostly) non-Indonesian students who keen on Indonesia 🇮🇩(surprisingly, this club is led by an Australian - not Indonesian as I thought before!). Then, I went to Academic Skill workshop on “How to Improve our English by 10 minutes a day part 1” at 1-2pm.

This workshop is for international students which English is not their first language and still not confident about their English ability like me 😌 Anyone can register if interested. Following that, I was trying Chinese 🇨🇳 class at 3-5pm by Language Exchange Club (LEC). It is taught by natives from China. First time ever learn Chinese. Love it 🙂 Having free time in between, I also went to library to check today lecture capture and annotated lecture material (but happen to not focus studying it haha).

After that (at 6-7pm), I went to Spanish 🇪🇸 class by LEC too. I don’t know until this class that Spanish has a lot of similarities in pronunciation with Indonesia. Also, it is interesting that any thing has a gender in Spanish. Lastly, I went to UniMelb Student Union (UMSU) Mentorship program.

I was applying this as a mentee and they match us to mentors and other mentees with similar background. The good thing is that my fellow group mentees and mentors all taking Master of Information Technology, so we have some topics in common to talk, especially complaining about lecture or assignments. To sum up, haha, I was amazed myself, what a bunch of activities I was doing today at uni!

Hahaha 🤣 But yass. I have to admit that Unimelb have a lot of clubs and activities which I cannot stand to not join, really! All seems interesting to me 🙂b - 1 year ago.

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4 days to go.Super excited, super deg-deg ser.Bismillah.Super thanks to yg awalnya emg pengen bikin workshop pertamanya ngundang 2 org yg super menginspirasi ini ( sama, udah cerita jg ke kak Intan dan dikasih saran-saran), udah progress tanya-tanya ini itu ngajak kolaborasi tp belum ada yg pas dan nyari tempat dan sempet di tolak sama tempat yg dipengen bgt. Nyari org juga jg buat bantu-bantu garland dan belum nemu-nemu. Sedangkan udah target workshopnya harus akhir februari ini, udah ga ada waktu buat nyari-nyari, mau nekat ngadain sendirian meskipun pesimis, ada yg bakal ikut ga ya. Lagi hopeless, tiba-tiba Atina nawarin kolaborasi sama acara buat bikin workshop ngerangkai bunga, padahal kak Intan belum cerita kalo garland emg mau undang kakak beradik ini pas workshop. Dan tiba-tiba dapet org yg bisa bantu-bantu di garland. Alhamdulillah.cuma bisa senyum-senyum sendiri, doa tiap mau mulai ngerjain orderan garland di denger-Nya dan diwujudin lewat Atina dan kak Intan. Makasi ya, I really owe both of you.:'Untuk cara bisa ikutan acara ini, bisa cek postan foto yg sama di akun dan Acara ini FREE!

See you!Yuk ikutan workshop pertama, supported by - 1 year ago. I remember listening to this song back when I was in elementary school and thought, “Umm, I have no idea what they’re saying!” nevertheless little me was trying to sing along and make up my own version of the song lol 😜!! Now a few years later, I came across this song again, and it brought back tons of memories that for some reason brought me to tears! I guess I just missed those days when I didn’t have to think about responsibilities, when everything was still “complete” 😢 with that being said, here’s my cover of “What makes A Man” by Westlife - 1 year ago.Brathasena.banyak kisah yang tidak akan pernah dilupain.

Cinta kalian sangat.Komandan Utama — orang paling ga enakan, kalau galau bocor banget mukanya, tapi dialah penampung curhatan konyol.Ketua Divisi — paling gak akur, tapi dialah pemimpin bayangan kita eheWakadiv — plotting terenak sepanjang masaSekretaris — paling bijak, paling rajin, tapi galaknya itu loh😈Anggotanya ada yang selalu jadi moodbooster sepanjang rapat berlangsung alias dwi.Julukan Master of Gesture dan selalu cantik selalu alias novy. Lambe terlancip sepanjang masa alias bella.

Satu ini sukanya ketawa dong kalau misalnya ledekin kadiv dll alias ebi. Mulut paling gak bisa kontrol, tapi dia jujur kali loh sama hatinya alias febrina. Si tukqng tidur dan master of dota alias bayu.

Cowok paling tempramental but he’s really gentleman alias greg. Si ganteng dan komandan yang banyak fansnya alias fajar. Cowok paling suka ketawa dan baik hati alias ficky, dan kita Brathasena Bersatu Kita Bisa!Brathasena mungkin buka divisi terbaik, tapi divisi ini lah yang paling banyak bonding (traktiran ulang tahun nomor satu) dan paling nyablak kalau ngomong, tapi inilah yang buat kita makin mengenal satu sama lainnya.- 1 year ago. 7 Januari 2016Aku masih ingat tanggal ituAku masih ingat hari ituAku juga masih ingat apa yg terjadi hari ituSaat aku mau berangkat kuliah, tiba2 ibuku hampir pingsan tp dia setengah sadar. Ngomongnya ngacuh kayak orang stroke. Aku nangis ga karuan, udah ga mau pergi ke kampus. Tapi dengan bijak bapakku nyuruh ttep pergi ke kampus.

Sepanjang jalan dari rumah smpe kampus nangis, smpe kampus dibilang kayak orang gak mandi. Di kampus kepikiran sm ibu trus gmn keadaannya, kepingin pulang ke rumah trus. Ternyata ibu udh di RS Sanglah di PJT.

Baru smpet kesana jam 4 sore karena baru pulang kampus. Baru smpe depan PJT nanya 'Mamak mana?' Trus kakakku jawab 'Kamu udah ditinggal sm mamak'Aku speechless, nangis, pngen nyusul mamak saat itu. Tapi aku liat ada bapak yg msh bisa tegar pdhal aku tau dialah yg paling terpukul.Sekarang, sudah 2th berlalu. Luka itu memang sudah kering, tapi bekasnya ga akan pernah hilang.Dengan atau tanpa mamak kita harus bisa kuat&tegar ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ - 2 years ago.2018 The year I will turn to 30.

Today I'm saying goodbye to 2017 and my twenties. Some pleasant memories crossed my mind yet I realised some mistakes I’ve made and things I’ve learned in a decade of life.I was excited to say goodbye to my school life but I went back to study part time.

I yearned for leaving my parents house and then I moved back with a grateful heart. I got some bad habits and I got rid of them and I built some good habits. I improved my appearance and clean up my mind.

I thought I would never find love but I got married. I believed in God and I sinned and I received forgiveness from God. I felt lost and I prayed. I thought money was so important and I realize it isn't. I chased my dream going to America. I adopted my dog.Something remain the same, Love from God, family and friends. I am so blessed.😅 - 2 years ago.

Another awesome journey in 2017. Officially graduated from UoG and start new life in other country. There were so many stories behind, thank you for those who took a part. Still working hard to do the plan and make those dream come true in 2018.behind the scene;😅 Photo 1-5: part of the craziest trip ever. Unplanned trip to London. Buy the ticket randomly through IG account.

After send the money by CASH, I just realize there's a problem with the account. Many people didn't receive the ticket and money gone.

H-14 received the ticket, but when I asked someone to check, the ticket not valid. H-2 try to web check in but it failed. H-1 received new booking code, able to web check-in. When in counter, there are 2 tickets under my name. OMG!!!😊Photo 6: year end party at the new office.😚Photo 7: tried to sell the Jazz Gunung ticket in the beginning but failed. Finally, I went there and enjoy the show.

Sstt.i met 'srihanuraga' for the 1st time😂Photo 8: Just because we want to have 'Colorful' and 'cheerful' picture, someone borrow others jacket. This my last day in the previous company.😶Photo 9: the story behind this pic is to show how grateful i am to be a curly girl hehehe.thank you for who took this pic, can you shoot me better next time please 😶.42posts in 2017 are not bad. Average 3pic per month 🤣🤣.- 2 years ago. When you think you are better than everyone else but actually you dont.

That's supposed to be the time when you realize islam teaches you on how to be humble and what's the importance of keeping your problems aloneBe wise to give assumptions for other peopleFocus on being a better version of yoursNo one belongs to me or even you, everyone belongs to AllahStop thinking 'im better than yours' when every people has their own +/- I mean. Stop spreading your own assumptions when you don't know anything and bubbling to cover yourself with your own stories like you are the best person ever in the world who has through bad experience while you actually have become someone's worst infliction. Please wake up.Dont be exaggerating- 2 years ago. Terinspirasi dari curhatan ibu2 kemarin dan keisengan liat miniatur Giant Vs Dino di kantor. Trus kepikiran. 🤔.Sebenernya pada saat kita menempatkan diri sebagai korban dalam sebuah keadaan, ada 2 hal buruk yang terjadi bersamaan.1.

Kita menghakimi org yang kita hadapi sebagai seorang 'penjahat', padahal bisa jadi mereka hanya memiliki kekurangan yg masih diproses Tuhan, mereka hanya ingin bahagia dengan cara mereka sendiri tanpa sadar melukai orang lain. Hal yg sangat manusiawi yang bisa kita lakukan juga.2.Namanya juga korban berarti ada kerugian yg kita alami, perasaan marah dan benci hanya membuat kita semakin buruk, cepet tua, stress, ga semangat, bahkan bisa sakit secara fisik karena energinya habis untuk emosi, terlebih lagi itu bukan gambaran anak-anak Tuhan, kita harus sadar identitas kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan yg memiliki karakter Kristus yg penuh kasih untuk bisa mengampuni.Jadi ga pernah ada untungnya menempatkan diri sebagai korban. Kita tuh masih hidup di dunia bukan di surga, jadi harus diingat bahwa akan ada banyak hal yg 'tidak baik' terjadi selama kita hidup, jadi ga perlu kaget dan sedih, capek banget klo harus jd korban, justru dihadapi bahkan disyukuri sebagai pelajaran, karena kita hanyalah manusia-manusia lemah yg jauh dr sempurna, yang masih harus terus dibentuk agar semakin indah.- 2 years ago. “King and Queen of the night” they said.“The Best Dressed Awards of GAD 2017 goes to Ramziq Laili.Ramzia Laili.” Xpe dik, I got you😂.

Teringat perbualan dalam 지하철 dgn kak hani. “Zia awk berharap x dpat anugerah best dressed awards tu.” Waktu dgar tu I was literally like pfffft and replied “Sy xrasa akan dapat pun. Lgipun kdang2 judges dia bias and pilih suka2 je.

Klau dpat pun mcam random je sebb def a lot of people will look better than me.” Then mlam tu they said that I should get ready for the awards and I was confused and goes 😶 inside my head for 5 mins before and after naik stage. But when a lot of people congratulate me and said that I deserved it, I was like. Myb I’m looking down on myself too much. Instead of mempersoalkan legit xlegit anugerah tu, why don’t I just be more grateful that I received something that others already putting hard work onto.- 2 years ago.

⚽⚽⚽U-16yg gue kenal cuma si kembar bagas bagus krna emang ga live di tv kemarin, ini tim yg gua bilang lolos ke putaran final.U-19yg ini nih idola gua smua 😁 egy dkk, yg kalahnya miris (AFF U19 2017) dri thai cuma gara2 pinalti pdhal kita yg mendominasi thai dgn 10 pemain. Gagal ke Final (1).mskipun gue ga nonton gara2 renang waktu itu.Gua pikir bakal nerusin kejuaran evandimas dkk.Kualifikasi piala asia tgl 31 Okt 2017 yaa ina vs brunei, jgn lupa nonton.U-23yg prnh menang AFF U19 2013. Evan dimas, ezra, satria tama dll yg kemarin kalah dri malaysia (SEA Games 2017) padahal kita yg mainnya lebih bagus. Gagal ke Final (2). Bad sea games ever gua rasa, bnyk di curangin ama tuan rumah ga lupa ama insiden bendera kita kebalik.SeniorBoaz, stefano lilipaly, dll.

Prtama kli liat boaz dia masi junior di tim ama gonzales itu tahun 2010 ina vs paraguay dan sekarang dia udah jadi senioorrr, dan itu pertandingan PERTAMA yg gue tonton.curcol btw GWS bang kiper aff menungguFighting Timnas Indonesia 💪 bawa pulang gold medal, silver lah minimal, bosen ama bronze- 2 years ago. After one day, I decide to post these images.I can't describe exactly what I feel.Yes, I'm happy, but also I'm worry and scare.But the most I feel 'Alhamdulillah selesai juga fase ini'. The days never been easy after we decide to make a big step in this relationship.' Kalo udah serius ada aja ujian-ujiannya' it's really happen to us.Financial, mental, carier and age are always being the points, belum lg perasaan 'kalo skrg gue cukup mikirin diri sendiri dan masih ada ortu yg selalu support tanpa harus mikirin tanggung jawab ke anak orang' sering kali membuat berat untuk melangkah. 'Di emang udah siap banget?' Is popular question and I always answer with no word and smile.Seriously, till today I'm not 100% ready and probably I'll not ready till 'the day'.But bismillah 'Insya Allah goodwill is always blessed by Allah'.02092017-Decor: and - 2 years ago. AUDIT: Sebelum lelapkan mata,boleh audit diri sendiri berapa bintang nak bagi harini.

Pagi: mengata mak cik sebelah,kucing dia suka mai rmh kita. Tghri: mengumpat aunty kedai runcit,bagi baki tak cukup.

Seposen pun tak nak halalkan. Petang: pegi pasar malam,terbeli yong tau foo tak sedap. Tuduh abg tu jual tak ikhlas. Tambah tolak darab bahagi mcm 1 bintang jer. 😏 But its ok. Ia akn lebih berharga bila 1 bintang tu,esoknya jadi 2,3,4 atau 5 bintang! Takda org yang perfect,tp berusaha utk menjadi lebih baik tu penting.tepuk2 lah bahu.

To Kak nab, good luck for any job tomorrow 😁 selamat malam semua!- 2 years ago. Have you guys watch Album spoiler on YT & V-app? If you haven't go watch it! I bet you won't regret it😂I Wanna say something to you ahgase, Idk why i feel that not much Ahgase support their CB 😢, i'm sorry to say that.

But please support them, Cause they are still part of GOT7, they just Wanna show a new side from GOT7. They put a lot of hard work for this album, they tell their story into the song. These two really grown up since bounce till now, they're really mature not only face but their music tho. So please support them guys not only JB STAN, JY STAN or JJP STAN, but please Ahgase even though they're not your bias, they're still part of GOT7 💚, they're GOT7 PARENT 😂&ON ©®Right owner - 2 years ago. I call this Grilled Dinner on Wet Patio Table. Because it was not supposed to rain-but just when my coals were ready, it started to rain.

So I put on my raincoat and carried on. And we just finished a lovely dinner of grilled chuck eye steaks, 's Tomato-Herb Butter (with some anchovy tossed in b/c you only live once, y'know), corn with chive (cultured) butter, and broccoli rabe.And now we're settling in for family movie night with Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Because I grew up on the Charleston Heston/Roddy McDowall movies and adore them, but my kids balk at the 'low quality.' Whatev, boys.- 2 years ago. Rani Nur'aini, S.H.Terima kasih untuk semua orang yang ada di post ini maupun yang tidak bisa saya tag satu persatu. 'If someone is strong enough to bring you down, show them you are strong enough to get up.'

🌻We've all got haters and people who try to bring us down, sometimes these people are so unexpected. It's hard when people knock you down and especially when they were one of your close friends. You have to get back up and show them that what they think means nothing and you don't care. It's hard but if you don't they'll keep doing it. My coach told me that some people know they'll never be as good as you and they try to push you down so they don't feel so bad about themselves but you have to push through put on a smile and show them what a star you actually are. 🌟- 2 years ago. When my father passed away, everybody hugged me and said that I should be steadfast (I dont know whether this is the right word or not).

Everybody cried. I was the one who was smiling all the time and replied them with 'it's okay, i am okay, everything is gonna be okay'. My friends and my siblings might think that I did not love him enough so that I was not sad at all. So, I told them to stop crying since it would never make my father alive again. I do love him, in my own way. People never know what kind of war I was facing.

It was the war with my own feeling and thought. I had to learn something from my loss. I need to live, and it was never easy. So, I kept smiling. How could I go to war with tears in my eyes? - 2 years ago. Kurang lebih 10 tahun ga ketemu.

Gak ada ekspektasi kalo pas ngumpul yg dateng bakal lumayan banyak. If you know what I mean, ngumpulin org bukber itu. Hmm 😌.Thanks buat kalian yang mau tertawa dan ditertawakan. Buat org2 yg pas ngumpul ngerasa jadi dirinya sendiri seperti di masa lalu.Yang pernah ngebuat kenangan itu ga sekedar pajangan tp tetap hangat diingatan.' Gue dulu suka nyari yuyu di kali deket sekolah' atau 'Gue dulu sering ditakut-takutin Cessy, jadi nangis mulu'.Its not about how often we meet, but how can we laugh and love at our first meeting, dude. Putih merah bikin kangen, rasanya yg ada dipikiran itu cuma maen, maen, dan maen.


😙😍💞🎈🎉😬🙏 - 2 years ago. Have you find and follow on instagram? Let me tell you a little story. I have a very-best-friend, 💚, we have known each other since we were 18. I remember the day we first talked, she offered a seat next to her in a class.

After that we just can't stop talking to each other. She is the organized Monica to my messy Rachel. She was always there when I almost didn't graduate (😜), when my heart got broken, life-changing decisions, and of course she is my panic button during my wedding preparation.-We facetime a lot, almost every morning until one day, after we both quit our job to be 'ibu rumah tangga', we had this idea of starting Klenting.

I don't know is it our luck or we are just that 'sepaham', journey to start Klenting was unbelievably smooth. It's like she could read my mind. Now if you ask, yes I am happy to finally doing this with my bestfriend. A little bit nervous of course, but that's okay. So let's start, 7!- 2 years ago. Sungjong's status on Insta 'I pray to God'.

Is something happen Sungjong ah?? Stay strong oppa and don't give up bcs God will give the best for you 😇😇💪💪💪Inspirit will support you always ♥♥Anyway about Hoya deleted some of the post in insta that related to other members also woohyun n sunggyu deleted post that support hoya's drama, don't take it seriously guys like hoya have cold relationship with the others.

In my opinions it just common thing that someone want organized his social media and deleted some post just think positive inspirit bcs we all know that the members have strong bond and they are a family that know each other for 10 years or more. Don't think something negative like blablablabla it just make the others hurt.As an Inspirit we must support our boys everytime and always 💪💪.- 2 years ago.

FANARTMera in Tsum Tsum version dari komik x)I'm in love at the first sight with this comic 💕Jalan ceritanya, gambarnya, karakternya bagus bangett uwu)bDan karakter yang paling saya suka itu, ya, si Bawang Merah ini.She's brave, independent girl, and responsible sister, dan rambutnya rada-rada mirip sama saya. (Cuma rambut saya versi acak-adutnya. Wkwk 😂) Dan entah kenapa, kalau liat Mera, rasanya jadi ngaca dan malah ngeliat sifat yang justru hilang dari diri saya sendiri.Oiya, saya baca ceritanya dari webtoonnya.

Dan abis itu, langsung kepikiran bikin fanartnya. Kkkk x))Tapi, fanart Puti sama Emas-nya blm selesai karena tugas kuliah:'D (padahal bikinnya dari bulan Februari lalu) //cryTbh, belom beli bukunya karena blm sempet ke gramed (maafkan saya. Walaupun udah baca di webtoon, tapi tetep aja kerasa kurang afdol kalo ga beli bukunya:'))Dan ya, besok, saya, seorang anak rumahan berniat untuk pergi ke kota sebelah buat beli komiknya sekalian ikutan workshop gambar. KkkkSampai jumpa besok ✨Dan doain ku ga nyasar ya:').Character: Mera (Mera, Puti, Emas)Author: gambarnanaFanart by: iocchi21 (me)Software: Adobe Sketch.Tags: (?) - 2 years ago. So glad to hear you're slowly but surely recovering. You're so brave for sharing your story - thank you.

I'm so sorry this has happened to you; it's sad to see the best people hit by these things. I watched your video before and it was the first ever to make me cry. A lot of people care about you. I hope those positive words that you've been hearing from everyone are finally being heard. I know that can happen - I've experienced it myself. I know I haven't experienced exactly what you have, but I understand on some level how bad it is, so it's really it hard at home for me.I'm just.

Glad to hear you're stable and getting better. 💜- 2 years ago.

Do you know how it feels to be surrounded by people who think that you are worth more than you think about yourself? People who believe that you are capable to exceed all of your expectation. People who always hope that you will get the best in life. I think I know how it feels.Getting to know and befriend you guys is one of the miracles that happens to me in uni life.

Being around you make me wanna always improve myself and open myself to what I really can be. Thank you so much for that.

From you I learn that, sometimes a good friend is not someone who sees you just the way you are, but rather, someone who sees the potential within you and encourage you to become who you can be. 😘😘.I wish I knew you sooner so I could love you longer 😘😘😘.- 2 years ago.

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