Armor Divinity Original Sin

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  1. Reactive Armor Divinity Original Sin 2
  • Crafting (Divinity: Original Sin) English. Crafting and blacksmithing allows you to significantly boost your weapons and armor at no cost and in some cases, provide attributes or abilities that you can't normally find in in-game items. For example you can craft charisma rings and amulets for a +3 bonus (which goes a long way when trading.
  • FAQ Divinity: Original Sin II Guide. This is the case with Braccus Rex set. You can collect 5 items (although there are more of them but you can learn about this later): Tyrant's Stride, Heart of the Tyrant, Corrupted Tyrant's Helm, The Hands of the Tyrant and Tracks of the Tyrant.

NPCs, Fort Joy Divinity: Original Sin 2 Points of interest List of NPCs you will encounter on the Fort Joy map. You can talk to them, sometimes you can buy something from them or sell them something.

Today we are talking to Dan Taylor, a professional level designer who has in the past worked for Eidos, Square Enix, Ubisoft, Rockstar (among others) on games such as Medal of Honor Heroes 2, Hitman: Sniper, or Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Dan - who started out as a modder for Morrowind, Skyrim, and Fallout New Vegas - has close to two decades of experience in the video game industry under his belt and his talk on Ten Principles for Good Level Design at the Game Developer's Conference 2013 is cu.

I am at level 10 in act II, wandering outside Driftwood. I keep getting my ass kicked in most fights. I win them but usually with 2-3 of my party members dead. And I'm only taking on fights where the enemies are at or below my level.

Anyone have some general battle tips?My party is Fane as Mage, Dwarf as Scoundrel+Polymorph, Lohse as Wind & Water + Summoning Wizard, and Ifan as Wayfarer + Ranged bow with a little bit of Geomancer. I just had a really rough fight with 4 possessed dwarfs. They were all positioned above my party and had the high ground. I beat them but just barely. I have played about 25-30 hours of the game but still don't feel totally confident in most fights. I am at level 10 in act II, wandering outside Driftwood.

I keep getting my ass kicked in most fights. I win them but usually with 2-3 of my party members dead. And I'm only taking on fights where the enemies are at or below my level. Anyone have some general battle tips?My party is Fane as Mage, Dwarf as Scoundrel+Polymorph, Lohse as Wind & Water + Summoning Wizard, and Ifan as Wayfarer + Ranged bow with a little bit of Geomancer. I just had a really rough fight with 4 possessed dwarfs. They were all positioned above my party and had the high ground. I beat them but just barely.

I have played about 25-30 hours of the game but still don't feel totally confident in most fights. Fane can deal the most damage. Lohse has only 3 points on summoning at the moment and Beast and Fane each have only one.My weakness is probably removing magic armor and healing effectively. All enemies always know Fane is undead and I have trouble keeping him alive. A strength is probably mobility.

Beast and Ifan can each teleport and Fane has the bullrush skill so I can move him when I need to. I also have lots of spells, very many for each character.I open most fights with Beast using backstab and ruptured tendon. I then move Fane into the center of the action and get Ifan to a high position, keeping Lohse out of danger, casting weather spells and healing.Is Leech a worthwhile perk for the battle mage? I am thinking about respec-ing Fane and giving it to him. I am at level 10 in act II, wandering outside Driftwood. I keep getting my ass kicked in most fights. I win them but usually with 2-3 of my party members dead.

And I'm only taking on fights where the enemies are at or below my level. Anyone have some general battle tips?My party is Fane as Mage, Dwarf as Scoundrel+Polymorph, Lohse as Wind & Water + Summoning Wizard, and Ifan as Wayfarer + Ranged bow with a little bit of Geomancer.

I just had a really rough fight with 4 possessed dwarfs. They were all positioned above my party and had the high ground. I beat them but just barely. I have played about 25-30 hours of the game but still don't feel totally confident in most fights.

For Fane and Lohse: being magic casters, even if it seems counterintuitive, give them a 1 hand wand and a shield. Put them apart so Lohse can cure with AoE water spells without hurting Fane. Reading your next comment, Leech on Fane is useless he can't bleed It's a great talent if you synergize it with a Necro + blood rainFor the scoundrel ( and wayfarer too): all physical damage scales with warfare, be it melee or ranged. It's paramount, points in ranged and scoundrel should be less than warfare, you need them to unlock higher tier related skills but at level 10 you probably don't have that problem yet.on a more general note, having most of your items at the level you are is good, vendors resets the items every time you level upthere's a lot more but this should do for now.

For Fane and Lohse: being magic casters, even if it seems counterintuitive, give them a 1 hand wand and a shield. Put them apart so Lohse can cure with AoE water spells without hurting Fane. Reading your next comment, Leech on Fane is useless he can't bleed It's a great talent if you synergize it with a Necro + blood rainFor the scoundrel ( and wayfarer too): all physical damage scales with warfare, be it melee or ranged.

It's paramount, points in ranged and scoundrel should be less than warfare, you need them to unlock higher tier related skills but at level 10 you probably don't have that problem yet.on a more general note, having most of your items at the level you are is good, vendors resets the items every time you level upthere's a lot more but this should do for now. Thank you for these tips! I did not know that about the items resetting. And I did not know this tip about warfare! That seems crucial. I was wondering why my scoundrel damage was so low.

Reactive Armor Divinity Original Sin 2

I will go back to the ship and re-spec the party a little bit, and I'll give Lohse a wand and shield.One more question: I have almost all of my points in Fane in Warfare, and he has some Pyro points too. Does this sound like a good set up for a damage dealing melee tank? 2nd seed of light destiny 2. Or should I pick a different magic.

I re-specced him after act I because then he was a Necromancer and I found that really useless at the lower levels, but I could return to it or try something else.If you think of any other ideas I'm all ears. I'm all in on this game. When it clicks together I think its one of the best I've played. Thank you for these tips! I did not know that about the items resetting.

And I did not know this tip about warfare! That seems crucial. I was wondering why my scoundrel damage was so low. I will go back to the ship and re-spec the party a little bit, and I'll give Lohse a wand and shield.One more question: I have almost all of my points in Fane in Warfare, and he has some Pyro points too. Does this sound like a good set up for a damage dealing melee tank? Or should I pick a different magic. I re-specced him after act I because then he was a Necromancer and I found that really useless at the lower levels, but I could return to it or try something else.If you think of any other ideas I'm all ears.

I'm all in on this game. When it clicks together I think its one of the best I've played. The biggest danger in this game is how it overwhelms you with options and it can be paralyzing especially since you can't oversee whether your builds will be effective later. You have to get yourself out of that min-max mindset and make it up as you go along.A few additional tips and tricks:. In case of magic, Hydro tends to work best with Aero, and Geo with Pyro. Make sure one character has the Pet Pal talent.

Either pick it as someone's first (character creation) or second (at level 3) talent. Animals in Divinity are quite talkative and offer you clues or even quests. Your party members can interact with vendors and NPCs just as the player character can. That said, I personally only level Persuasion on the player character since they will do the talking most of the time and can make best use of it. You can examine NPCs and enemies alike.

The higher your Loremaster level, the more information you will see. Loremaster and Lucky Charm affect the whole party.

For example, if Sebille has Lucky Charm 2, you don't need to switch to her every time you open a container. Same goes for examining people and identifying items. As long as one party member has it, the whole party automatically profits. You can unchain your party members. This lets you move them around individually without the others following them. Especially useful when you prepare for battle. You can switch character during actions.

If Lohse is talking to an NPC, you can switch to another party member and pick said NPC's pockets while they are distracted (do remember to leave the immediate surroundings after you are done, since pickpocketed NPCs will look for the culprit afterwards). I'm having a bit of an issue with this game at the moment.

I started on tactician and have made it off Fort Joy. It was a struggle but I made it. Now in this new place everywhere I go there is a fight that's a few levels above me and literally impossible. Gearing up is tough because the random itemisation means finding a piece that fits is so difficult. The caused me to shelve the game a while back and I still can't think of a way to progress but want to move forward again.Anyone have any advice on what to do in this case as I really don't want to start again? I'm having a bit of an issue with this game at the moment.

I started on tactician and have made it off Fort Joy. It was a struggle but I made it. Now in this new place everywhere I go there is a fight that's a few levels above me and literally impossible. Gearing up is tough because the random itemisation means finding a piece that fits is so difficult. The caused me to shelve the game a while back and I still can't think of a way to progress but want to move forward again.Anyone have any advice on what to do in this case as I really don't want to start again?


I still don't know if Zaleskar is supposed to be a pun on 'sales car' or not, given that he is a merchant standing near a cart.I also find it shocking how many attacks miss. Feels like more than 1 in 20 times like the 95% accuracy suggests.

(I am not counting situations with less accuracy here, naturally.)Lastly I don't get why your god would bless the ground below you when you are playing an undead. Thanks for the damage, jerk.I haven't gotten far into Act 2 yet, but I have googled a bit and apparently this difficulty spike is a common issue. The most common advice is to do absolutely everything you can do in Driftwood before venturing out.Though honestly, Tactician sounds like you are in for a rough time no matter what you do.

Just bought this game a few days ago, having a lot of fun with it so far. At least story-wise. I'm in Fort Joy now.But there are a few things I'm wondering and it would be cool to read some tips:- How important is the choice of a party in the beginning? I chose Ifan, the rogue, red prince and the dwarf as a party.- I'm getting my ass handed to me in combat. I've beat a few enemies but, for example, the three crocodiles are just destroying me.

It feels like I'm extremely underpowered. Maybe I need to buy some gear for my other party members? They're running around in rags, so.- If I need to buy gear: who sells it?- Why can't I see vendors / etc on the map? I only see the yellow blips on the mini-map, but once I zoom in they disappear.- Can you RUN in this game? Movement speed is kinda slow.I'm mostly looking for tips for the combat because I think I'm gonna lose a lot of time.Thanks guys! Just bought this game a few days ago, having a lot of fun with it so far.

At least story-wise. I'm in Fort Joy now.But there are a few things I'm wondering and it would be cool to read some tips:- How important is the choice of a party in the beginning? I chose Ifan, the rogue, red prince and the dwarf as a party.- I'm getting my ass handed to me in combat. I've beat a few enemies but, for example, the three crocodiles are just destroying me. It feels like I'm extremely underpowered.

Maybe I need to buy some gear for my other party members? They're running around in rags, so.- If I need to buy gear: who sells it?- Why can't I see vendors / etc on the map? I only see the yellow blips on the mini-map, but once I zoom in they disappear.- Can you RUN in this game? Movement speed is kinda slow.I'm mostly looking for tips for the combat because I think I'm gonna lose a lot of time.Thanks guys! Ah OK, I didn't know the game locks you into Tactician.

I have severe alt-itis, so I constantly start over, but I can understand not wanting to do that just to change the difficulty.My party set-up constantly changes because of the alt-itis. But I usually go for a mixture of melee (2H), archery, one rogue and some support magic. In my current playthrough I have Lohse as a Summoner and she is surprisingly capable.

I never used summoning before because at low levels the summoned incarnate is so weak. But once you pour a few points into summoning and learn both infusions, it becomes really strong. I love that the incarnate changes depending on the surface you summon it on and how it has the Opportunist talent.I also had no idea you can have multiple totems. Just bought this game a few days ago, having a lot of fun with it so far.

At least story-wise. I'm in Fort Joy now.But there are a few things I'm wondering and it would be cool to read some tips:- How important is the choice of a party in the beginning? I chose Ifan, the rogue, red prince and the dwarf as a party.- I'm getting my ass handed to me in combat. I've beat a few enemies but, for example, the three crocodiles are just destroying me. It feels like I'm extremely underpowered. Maybe I need to buy some gear for my other party members? They're running around in rags, so.- If I need to buy gear: who sells it?- Why can't I see vendors / etc on the map?

I only see the yellow blips on the mini-map, but once I zoom in they disappear.- Can you RUN in this game? Movement speed is kinda slow.I'm mostly looking for tips for the combat because I think I'm gonna lose a lot of time.Thanks guys! You can change party members whenever you want on the first island. After that the choice is final, but the game warns you about it beforehand so don't worry about missing the point of no return.- You basically want to avoid combat as long as possible in Fort Joy. Try to do as many quests and explore as many areas as you can (since it rewards you exploration bonus xp), which should get you to level 3 without ever drawing your weapon. After that you should be able to tackle every encounter in Fort Joy (although some will remain challenging).- It is generally not a good idea to spend too much money on gear in the beginning.

Money is scarce and you are probably better off buying skill books so you can learn more combat abilities. Luckily the crocodiles drop a piece of gear which lets you teleport characters and objects around. The beginning of the game kind of revolves around using this as much as possible to get access to hidden chests and the like.

Trust me when I say there are a lot of them around Fort Joy. I have escaped the place two dozen times by now and I am still discovering new things.- Everyone, really. The lizard inside the elf cave sells the most gear. But again, try not to spend too much money on it. I usually just buy all the cheap shoes, shirts, pants and gloves (a couple of gold each) just to get a few points of armor before jumping into combat. As for skill books: there are several inmates selling them. Try to make it a habit to trade with everyone you come across just to see if they sell something useful.

Trading doesn't interrupt dialogue, so there is no reason not to do it.- Yeah the map is kind of barebones, although you can add markers yourself. You can have multiple of them and give them custom titles, so they may help.- Sadly not, although you can select and warp to waypoints from anywhere on the map. This saves some time on backtracking at least.A few combat tips:- Focus on one type of damage. It is possible to do a mixed physical/magic party, but it is very hard in the beginning. I personally find it much easier to let everyone deal physical damage and only use magic as support. Once you get to Act II, you can respec freely and infinitely, so you can always switch to a mixed party when you feel you got a solid handle on the combat.- Try to position your party members before combat.

Ranged characters (either bow/crossbow or mages) benefit greatly from high ground as this will greatly increase their range, their damage (in case of Rangers/Wayfarers) and generally keeps them safe from enemies for at least a few turns.- Have at least one character with the Battering Ram and Battle Stomp. These skills inflict knockdown on enemies that are stripped of their physical armor, forcing them to skip a turn. I cannot overstate how important this is. They require a melee weapon, so your rogue can use them as well if you give them one point of Warfare.- Rogues do the most damage when backstabbing, so use Backlash on cooldown and otherwise position them manually behind enemies.

Talents like The Pawn (the first few meters of movement don't cost an active point) and Duck Duck Goose (lets them avoid attacks of opportunity) are useful for them.- Speaking of which, always make sure your melee characters have the Opportunist talent. This gives them a free attack as enemies move past them (the aforementioned attack of opportunity). And enemies move around a lot. It's free real estate!- The game usually autosaves before fights, so don't hesitate to reload when things go south. In fact, it is a valid strategy to use your first attempt to scout the battlefield and look what your options are in terms of terrain and positioning. The game really likes to screw you over with enemies moving first and using the environment against you. But once you know what the game does, you can make preparations and start the fight on your terms.As for the crocodiles: I recorded a fight to show how I deal with them.

No editing, about 6 minutes long:Custom Character - Elf - WayfarerRed Prince - Inquisitor - bought Battle Stomp for him from the lizard in the elf caveBeast - Shadowblade - actually gimped him by forgetting to equip him with a second dagger, so his damage was on the low side.Lohse - Summoner - outfitted with a wand and shield. The wand is actually suboptimal because it deals magical damage (while the rest of the party is physical) but it lets her stay at range and keep a shield equiped for additional armor.In general I always put my archer on the wooden platform and move in the other three party members seperately, pulling them into combat one by one. This is important, because if they weren't unchained they would all enter combat together and you have to waste more active points on walking around.The only thing that went wrong in this fight was one of the crocodiles oiling Beast. I had hoped they would go after Lohse, since she doesn't need to move anyway.

But it all worked out in the end.Lastly, note how I make sure Red Prince doesn't use more than 2 active points when moving around, so he can still use either Battering Ram or Battle Stomp afterwards. When in doubt, just activate the skill and look at their range before determining how far you need to move. Ah OK, I didn't know the game locks you into Tactician. I have severe alt-itis, so I constantly start over, but I can understand not wanting to do that just to change the difficulty.My party set-up constantly changes because of the alt-itis.

But I usually go for a mixture of melee (2H), archery, one rogue and some support magic. In my current playthrough I have Lohse as a Summoner and she is surprisingly capable. I never used summoning before because at low levels the summoned incarnate is so weak.

Tyrants armor divinity original sin 2

But once you pour a few points into summoning and learn both infusions, it becomes really strong. I love that the incarnate changes depending on the surface you summon it on and how it has the Opportunist talent.I also had no idea you can have multiple totems.- You can change party members whenever you want on the first island. After that the choice is final, but the game warns you about it beforehand so don't worry about missing the point of no return.- You basically want to avoid combat as long as possible in Fort Joy. Try to do as many quests and explore as many areas as you can (since it rewards you exploration bonus xp), which should get you to level 3 without ever drawing your weapon. After that you should be able to tackle every encounter in Fort Joy (although some will remain challenging).- It is generally not a good idea to spend too much money on gear in the beginning. Money is scarce and you are probably better off buying skill books so you can learn more combat abilities.

Luckily the crocodiles drop a piece of gear which lets you teleport characters and objects around. The beginning of the game kind of revolves around using this as much as possible to get access to hidden chests and the like. Trust me when I say there are a lot of them around Fort Joy.

I have escaped the place two dozen times by now and I am still discovering new things.- Everyone, really. The lizard inside the elf cave sells the most gear. But again, try not to spend too much money on it. I usually just buy all the cheap shoes, shirts, pants and gloves (a couple of gold each) just to get a few points of armor before jumping into combat. As for skill books: there are several inmates selling them. Try to make it a habit to trade with everyone you come across just to see if they sell something useful. Trading doesn't interrupt dialogue, so there is no reason not to do it.- Yeah the map is kind of barebones, although you can add markers yourself.

You can have multiple of them and give them custom titles, so they may help.- Sadly not, although you can select and warp to waypoints from anywhere on the map. This saves some time on backtracking at least.A few combat tips:- Focus on one type of damage.

It is possible to do a mixed physical/magic party, but it is very hard in the beginning. I personally find it much easier to let everyone deal physical damage and only use magic as support. Once you get to Act II, you can respec freely and infinitely, so you can always switch to a mixed party when you feel you got a solid handle on the combat.- Try to position your party members before combat. Ranged characters (either bow/crossbow or mages) benefit greatly from high ground as this will greatly increase their range, their damage (in case of Rangers/Wayfarers) and generally keeps them safe from enemies for at least a few turns.- Have at least one character with the Battering Ram and Battle Stomp. These skills inflict knockdown on enemies that are stripped of their physical armor, forcing them to skip a turn. I cannot overstate how important this is. They require a melee weapon, so your rogue can use them as well if you give them one point of Warfare.- Rogues do the most damage when backstabbing, so use Backlash on cooldown and otherwise position them manually behind enemies.

Talents like The Pawn (the first few meters of movement don't cost an active point) and Duck Duck Goose (lets them avoid attacks of opportunity) are useful for them.- Speaking of which, always make sure your melee characters have the Opportunist talent. This gives them a free attack as enemies move past them (the aforementioned attack of opportunity). And enemies move around a lot. It's free real estate!- The game usually autosaves before fights, so don't hesitate to reload when things go south. In fact, it is a valid strategy to use your first attempt to scout the battlefield and look what your options are in terms of terrain and positioning.

The game really likes to screw you over with enemies moving first and using the environment against you. But once you know what the game does, you can make preparations and start the fight on your terms.As for the crocodiles: I recorded a fight to show how I deal with them. No editing, about 6 minutes long:Custom Character - Elf - WayfarerRed Prince - Inquisitor - bought Battle Stomp for him from the lizard in the elf caveBeast - Shadowblade - actually gimped him by forgetting to equip him with a second dagger, so his damage was on the low side.Lohse - Summoner - outfitted with a wand and shield. The wand is actually suboptimal because it deals magical damage (while the rest of the party is physical) but it lets her stay at range and keep a shield equiped for additional armor.In general I always put my archer on the wooden platform and move in the other three party members seperately, pulling them into combat one by one.

This is important, because if they weren't unchained they would all enter combat together and you have to waste more active points on walking around.The only thing that went wrong in this fight was one of the crocodiles oiling Beast. I had hoped they would go after Lohse, since she doesn't need to move anyway. But it all worked out in the end.Lastly, note how I make sure Red Prince doesn't use more than 2 active points when moving around, so he can still use either Battering Ram or Battle Stomp afterwards. When in doubt, just activate the skill and look at their range before determining how far you need to move. The game has gorgeous environments and exploration is literally rewarded with experience points.

As for immersion, well, NPCs are prone to repeating the same quotes and don't have any routines they follow except walking around. But talking to them does give you the feeling everyone has their own story and their own place in the world.

You can get relatively lengthy (and interesting) dialogues out of otherwise insignificant NPCs. It does feel like a fully fleshed out world with different cultures, viewpoints, etc.The game is slow to start in that you are supposed to wander around the first area, solve quests and do little in terms of fighting, just to gather some experience and gear to get you going. Once you escape the first area, 23 hours in, the game opens up more and you will quickly run into actual decent gear and more interesting combat situations. In the beginning you will want to spend most of your money on skill books actually. Learning new skills not only makes you stronger, but it also diversifies the combat, which is much more intricate than the beginning of the game lets you believe.That said, I wouldn't call it tedious. I have played through the first act two dozen times by now and I am still having fun and discovering new things. The game has gorgeous environments and exploration is literally rewarded with experience points.

As for immersion, well, NPCs are prone to repeating the same quotes and don't have any routines they follow except walking around. But talking to them does give you the feeling everyone has their own story and their own place in the world. You can get relatively lengthy (and interesting) dialogues out of otherwise insignificant NPCs. It does feel like a fully fleshed out world with different cultures, viewpoints, etc.The game is slow to start in that you are supposed to wander around the first area, solve quests and do little in terms of fighting, just to gather some experience and gear to get you going.

Once you escape the first area, 23 hours in, the game opens up more and you will quickly run into actual decent gear and more interesting combat situations. In the beginning you will want to spend most of your money on skill books actually.

Learning new skills not only makes you stronger, but it also diversifies the combat, which is much more intricate than the beginning of the game lets you believe.That said, I wouldn't call it tedious. I have played through the first act two dozen times by now and I am still having fun and discovering new things. There are no random encounters in this game, only pre-determined fights. Once enemies are dead, they stay dead.

To make up for this, fights can be fairly long. Standard fights easily last 5 to 10 minutes and boss fights even longer. But if you aren't interested in that, you can pick Story mode, which makes fights much easier, letting you focus more on exploration and dialogue. And there is a ton of dialogue, make no mistake.I'd say the combat to dialogue ratio is about 50/50 on normal difficulty, and only because combat is relatively lengthy. So if you pick Story mode, it might be 40/60 or even 30/70.While combat is generally recommended because it is a good source of experience, it certainly isn't the only one.

You can solve many quests through dialogue alone and there are the aforementioned exploration bonuses. So you won't shoot yourself in the foot if you come across a particular combat encounter and choose to leave it be.

Okay I've been making steady progress now and things are going really well. I'm really loving party dynamic going on in this game.

It's a hallmark of this type of WRPG and it's one I love. The interjections and moments where party members want to do their own thing or interrupt what you're doing are great.An NPC I was dealing with for a while had had a reckoning coming his way for ages, when it all kicked off and I was ready to dispense my final justice, one of my party interjected. He said he would leave if I went through with it so I ended up sparing him. I love stuff like that. Man the dialogue in this game is so good.


It actually allows for nuance. Like when you are playing as Sebille and you talk with Red Prince after you wake up on the beach near Fort Joy.

You can bicker your way through the conversation with him yet still team up and it doesn't actually feel out of place. And if you lead with the demand to know where Stingtail is, he actually references it by saying you both are probably looking for the same dude at the end of the conversation. All quality voice acted to boot.

I wish there was some in between difficulty.Fort Joy was a struggle for me on Class difficulty. I eventually did make it outside albeit I skipped a couple of optional boss battles like the Magister in the Fort and the dude performing experiments?Once I got to the marshes though I was getting owned left and right.

Especially in the boss fights. I ended up turning the difficulty down to Explorer cuz I wanted to advance the story. Explorer seems wayyyy too easy though but at the same time I like that I feel less stressed about what skills, talents, attributes I put points into:.

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